DENIAL ain't just a river in Egypt.
One of the posters made a good point, we all screw up in this game. I'm a legend and I played a CTTH Ready Go yesterday and dunked 2 balls in the water. I could have thrown my mouse into my computer screen, came on the forum and ranted about how the meter isn't good and the programmers are out to screw me.
I just chose to accept the fact that on the first shot I didn't allow for enough wind and was a little late on my click. The second shot hit the stone wall in front of the green and bounced into the water, not WGT's fault, I had a big tailwind and tried to cut it too close.
In real golf if I hit a perfect shot that hits the pin and bounds into a trap I don't blame the maker of the pins for making them too wide, it's just rub of the green. In my real golf career I have hit plenty of perfect shots that didn't come off right, was it the club, ball, poorly cut fairway grass, a divot my ball rolled into?
It just happens and you move on or you spend the rest of your life complaining about it while you forget the time you hit a line drive out of the bunker that hit the pin and dropped in for a birdie. You don't remember the putt that you hit so hard that it hopped up in the air and fell back in the hole, the shot that hit a rake next to the bunker and didn't go in.
There is good luck and bad luck in golf, real and virtual. There are good shots and bad shots as well, we all make them. It's just a game it isn't life or death.