gerryniswonger:"5 minutes ago I sent you a problem while I was waiting patiently for a match to continue. NOW I GET THIS NOTICE THAT I FORFEITED MY CREDITS. Tell me how I can forfeit my credits when I'm sitting there waiting for the game continue?"
Can you elaborate on where you were waiting for over 5 minutes? If you were brought back to the lobby and waited there, it really shouldn't happen. But if you were still "in the game" for 5 mins and it seemed like your opponent wasn't able to load, but you could see the course and write in the chat box etc., it actually means you were the one who got booted and your opponent was the one waiting 5 mins in the lobby for you to return and won after 5 mins expired. Be very careful, if your opponents shot clock expires and nothing happens (no warning or stroke penalties) it means you're the one who's out. All you need is to close the game window and reopen it with the "play now" tab. Then you'll be asked if you want to continue or forfeit and of course you continue. Sometimes it won't let you press continue, though. It's best to completely log out then and come back, maybe even restart the computer, but you'd have to be quick about it.