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Re: Scoring recalibration

Fri, Oct 5 2012 2:12 PM (10 replies)
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  • dufferjoe1
    13 Posts
    Fri, Oct 5 2012 2:12 PM


    If this was similar to real life.  We would be getting better distances with all of our clubs.  The tour players, can hit their 3 irons a lot farther than 225 yards.  They hit their 3 woods around the 300 yard range and so forth.  Of course this depends on the different players, and how strong they are.  

    I think the scoring and the way scores are posted are accurate.  You have to remember that if you played any golf game on any game console or PC, the scoring is also in the 50's for 18 holes.


    Points well taken.  And thanks everyone for not flaming me to death for posting my opinions despite the fact that I am finding out I am in the minority here.

    ...that also leads to my thoughts about how equipment has really hurt the game that the professionals play.  When many other sports show large improvements due to equipment there is generally some way to counteract this.  But in golf it's not easy to revamp courses each couple of years.  I would really like to see the pros today have to consistently hit three to five irons during the course of play.  Heck a 2-iron or 1-iron would be fun to see as well once every couple of weeks.



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