Does anyone have thoughts on ways to recalibrate the scoring here? When I see averages of 55, etc. I cringe.
WGT does such a great job with many other aspects of the game, how about ways to make the game tougher such that realistic averages are achieved by the best players. I see that the best average on the PGA Tour right now is 68.9. Why not shoot for something like 65 here?
Average scores here are approaching what I term a perfect game (all birdies and eagles on par 5's - around a 50 on a par 72 - 14 birds/4 eagles) for those best players. The diminishing returns are such that it is becoming nearly impossible for those best to have a miracle round (what I see as 5 - 8 strokes better than your average - like a 59-62 on tour).
Now, I don't think that random mishits should be built into the game. Many say there are already, but how do those best players hit so low consistently? What I think really hurts things is the feel meter on the premium balls. This just doesn't reflect reality in the real world. Swinging harder/faster in the real world = longer shots/more spin but at the cost of more mishits.
I propose that all the equipment stay the same but that the balls be adjusted such that they cannot slow the meter speed via better feel. Or at the very least create a subset of tournaments such that only zero feel balls can be used. I predict that scores would rise to a bit more reasonable level, but that those miracle rounds would still pop up from time to time - more like the real thing - when you are in the groove and dinging everything.
Anyone have thoughts on this?