Nothing is perfect (when it's done by humans). Thank God we tend to long for perfection, which is not bad, but it shouldn't become our doom either.
Everytime I feel like playing WGT, I prepare my whole mindset for perfection, knowing that I have to embrace errors : Mine, my oponent's, and for Christ's sake, WGT's as well.
Lately, since I performed about nineny five percent of computer, browser and internet enhancements, advised by players and WGT administrators, the game engine is running the smoothest ever (for me), but still things like this keep happening here and there :
I am warming up before getting into a stroke, match or alt game. Play a solo game and everything's nice. Then I create a blitz and this gentleman from Philippines, a Master player named Santiago124 accepts the invitation, and we start a very nice game. I am having a near-perfect run but suddenly ... HOOAWZZZ ! ... my meter plays one of those sticky tricks that make us loose our dream-like run. My ball breaks completely out of bounce ... and right there is when one must remember this :
Nothing is perfect, specially when it's done by humans. I am ready to accept errors as part of my performance, my opponent's performance and WGT-Flash-Internet's performance as well. So, I resolved to ENJOY life (and play) with gratitude as it is, share our lows with respect, measure and consideration. To jump on one foot when everything comes out near perfect. But I no longer expect perfection (while looking for it tho).
Instead ! ... I can expect consistency, which from my end has been very highly achieved by some WGT players and this beautiful game-engine.
Let's keep having fun fellas. I really hope that each one of us find our most consistant game possible.
Anyone for a cigar and a game ?

AJ - Quijotazo