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hack amateur pro master what are the averages?

Tue, Feb 4 2025 5:18 AM (144 replies)
  • brettvalentine
    1 Posts
    Mon, Feb 15 2010 5:12 PM

    i have been playing this game for only a week , have an 81 average and am ranked as an am  however there are people who claim to be pro with the same average i entered my first stroke play tourney to find amateurs shooting 62 whats up with that?

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Tue, Feb 16 2010 10:01 AM

    Well, Brett, there are some things you need to be aware of...

    1. While your average may go up or down, your ranking will not.  Therefore, once you move from Am, to Pro... or Pro to Master... you can't go back down.  When you are forced to play from further back you will not do as well at first and your average may go back up a bit.  I have seen Masters with averages in the 80s because they can't compete from the tips.  ---  Therefore, it will behoove you to post every score you ever create to make sure that your average is where it needs to be and your rankings will increase when you're ready.
    2. Having said that, there are people in this game who move to the Master ranking and find that, since they haven't been honestly posting every score in their haste to become a Master using Master toys, they start to suck really bad in tourneys and what-not.  In order to make them feel like they actually know what they are doing, they create a new account and become what we know as a "Multiple".  --- This is AGAINST the rules and the LYING, CHEATING, SOBs who do it should have all accounts banned and be hung from the neck until dead... (That's just my opinion, though.  Some folks aren't as harsh as I am.)
    3. And finally... Sandbagging.  Some folks will do anything to NOT move up in rankings and will throw in a really bad score now and again to keep their averages up and their rankings down.  This is why WGT will not publish the averages needed to move from Hack - Amat. - Pro - Master..  If they did, these low-lifes would hang just under the number to enter tourneys to win credits and what-not.

    Keep in mind, though, that WGT is taking a pro-active stance on the folks that you mentioned in your message.  They will verify every tourney score and if they ~think~ that the score posted is artificially low, (via sand-bagging, multiple, et al) the score is thrown out and the appropriate official action is taken.... (LIKE HANGING THE LYING, CHEATING, SOBS FROM THE NECK UNTIL DEAD!!!!! .....   oops, sorry.)

    I hope this helps.


  • marigoldman
    2 Posts
    Tue, Mar 23 2010 5:54 AM

    Thanks for that explanation Snaike. I've been looking for the associated scores for different rankings and now I can stop looking. I do find it sad that people can't just play a game like this without feeling the need to manipulate their scores/rankings/results etc. I mean people who do that so they can either brag to their mates or gaze lovingly at the mirror are simply deluding themselves into thinking they're better than they are. What does it prove? Weird. I played a pro on my 2nd day who I caught up to on my very last stroke only to have him disconnect when he missed his last putt to win, so I'm with you regarding the harsh punishment! 

  • LaNgAtAnG
    2 Posts
    Mon, Jun 7 2010 9:05 PM

    I mean I sort of know the answer just from moving up (average down) the ranks.... You start at 150 as a hack, once u reach either 120-130, u become an amateur, the once u reach below 80 u become a pro. Im currently at a 76.69 as a Pro and i do not sandbag nor make multiple accounts, this is my only one. And im guessing based on other peoples average that once you drop below a 70, u will reach the Master level...until then im not 100% sure though...hope that was helpful!

  • faithful2thecall
    27 Posts
    Tue, Jun 8 2010 6:36 PM


    I mean I sort of know the answer just from moving up (average down) the ranks.... You start at 150 as a hack, once u reach either 120-130, u become an amateur, the once u reach below 80 u become a pro. Im currently at a 76.69 as a Pro and i do not sandbag nor make multiple accounts, this is my only one. And im guessing based on other peoples average that once you drop below a 70, u will reach the Master level...until then im not 100% sure though...hope that was helpful!

    That's not a bad rule of thumb, but the number I've heard tossed around in speculation about the jump to the Master tier is 66.

  • Waltermydoinhere
    13 Posts
    Thu, Jul 8 2010 12:54 AM

    I agree...  Although it's not published, the jump from pro to master has to be under 67.  I've seen quite a few that are just abover 66 that are still Pro's.



  • SDOG62
    1 Posts
    Tue, Nov 2 2010 5:29 PM

    I mean I sort of know the answer just from moving up (average down) the ranks.... You start at 150 as a hack, once u reach either 120-130, u become an amateur, the once u reach below 80 u become a pro. Im currently at a 76.69 as a Pro and i do not sandbag nor make multiple accounts, this is my only one. And im guessing based on other peoples average that once you drop below a 70, u will reach the Master level...until then im not 100% sure though...hope that was helpful!


    I am a newbie at this game, but I am at 94 and still a hack, what gives?

  • b0geybuster
    2,574 Posts
    Tue, Nov 2 2010 7:22 PM

    There is new criteria to determine a tier change.   It is no longer just your average.  Here is some information from a recent news posting by WGT.....


    We’ve made improvements to how your Average Score is calculated and when you advance to the next Tier in WGT. These changes will help players in the same Tier to compete more fairly, and encourage everyone to complete more rounds and earn more experience points so they reach new Levels faster.

    • Your Average Score will be based on multiple best scores within ONLY your current Tier, not scores that you shot when in previous Tiers, which better reflects your current skill competing with the tee boxes and green speeds in your current Tier
    • Your Average Score will be based on ONLY your best scores, so completing a bad round will not negatively impact your Average Score or Tier. So be sure to finish all your rounds and gain the extra experience points, as a bad day won’t matter
    • Advancing to the next Tier requires a qualifying Average Score AND a minimum amount of completed stroke play games, which will take a little more time but will help players reach the Levels necessary to unlock upgraded equipment that is helpful to compete at higher Tiers




  • nyLeftee
    6 Posts
    Tue, Nov 2 2010 8:31 PM

    how do u upgrade equipment with points without paying real $ ? I know u can go to the pro shop & take surveys, do u receive points each day u take the survey?

  • erichoang21
    28 Posts
    Wed, Nov 3 2010 8:13 PM


    how do u upgrade equipment with points without paying real $ ? I know u can go to the pro shop & take surveys, do u receive points each day u take the survey?

    You get credits IF you qualify for the surveys and finish it . GL .