I agree with the idea of cheaper gift cards, but to be honest, I don't feel this is realistic, or really fair. 165,000 credits for a $250 amazon gift card? Really? That is just ridiculous on 2 counts. Firstly, that translates to $1,650. How is paying $1,650 for a $250 card fair? I'd understand paying $400 worth of credits for a $250 card, but in my currency it currently amounts to paying around $2000 for a $250 card. On the second count, who ever has 165,000 credits in their account ever? If you look at the highest money earners of all time, they might have earned that amount or more in total, but I seriously doubt that many, if any players would ever have that extremely high number of credits in their account at a given time. I know I never will. I am lucky if I ever have 5000 credits and even that is rare.
Come on wgt. Put up a gift card that is practical and potentially reachable, and something that is more fair for our money.