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gift cards

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Mon, Jun 16 2014 4:11 AM (2 replies)
  • clementine100
    52 Posts
    Mon, Oct 29 2012 2:18 AM
    Hello. Gift cards from amazon, not only as an "elite" cards but also with smaller amounts to make $ 20 - $ 100 That would be my idea so the gifts at the country club for the members to be more attractive. Club owners do not have email addresses of the members and therefore can not send gifts or vouchers. For the expensive gifts yet is enough opportunity for WGT. big greetings to all ------ clementine100
  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Mon, Oct 29 2012 8:52 AM

    At present we have to spend 165,000 credits to receive a $250 gift card. So a $100 Gift card would probably be 83,000 and $20 around 16,000 credits.  Seeing as you need to deposit $10 for 1000 credits, do you think spending around 16,000 ($160) for $20 gift card is an attractive proposition for us?  For WGT yes for sure, but not for us.

    Then on top of that, if you are not in U.S.A then you will get even less.  I won $100 gift card a few months ago, after changing it to UK £ I received £65 and with items cheaper in US than UK, you are at a loss all ready. (not that i'm complaining about winning the gift card, £65 is more than I've had playing any other online game. Nice 1 WGT!)

  • JLeary1
    416 Posts
    Mon, Jun 16 2014 4:11 AM

    I agree with the idea of cheaper gift cards, but to be honest, I don't feel this is realistic, or really fair. 165,000 credits for a $250 amazon gift card? Really? That is just ridiculous on 2 counts. Firstly, that translates to $1,650. How is paying $1,650 for a $250 card fair? I'd understand paying $400 worth of credits for a $250 card, but in my currency it currently amounts to paying around $2000 for a $250 card. On the second count, who ever has 165,000 credits in their account ever? If you look at the highest money earners of all time, they might have earned that amount or more in total, but I seriously doubt that many, if any players would ever have that extremely high number of credits in their account at a given time. I know I never will. I am lucky if I ever have 5000 credits and even that is rare.


    Come on wgt. Put up a gift card that is practical and potentially reachable, and something that is more fair for our money.
