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Re: Practice areas

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Thu, Nov 15 2012 8:16 PM (12 replies)
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  • petethepup
    204 Posts
    Thu, Nov 15 2012 1:23 PM

    hi jon, i just thought it would be a win/ win situation if they provided such. I dont anything about the technology that goes into programing this stuff, so if thats the issue or some other reason, then so be it, its their game and i am still happy to play on here things being as they are. What i was trying to imply earlier is that , if i am playing a practice round and hit a wedge into the green with not so good results, i cant immediately drop another ball and play that shot over, and over again, until i i understood how i should have played that shot. That would be real practice, where as a practice round is just another round of golf. The shot i wanted to practice or something similar may not come up again that round or even the next. In fact thats something else for WGT to consider, no need for driving range if during practice round i had the option to replay a shot over and over, and they would still make money cause i would be hitting the balls i would use in a tourney, thus more golf balls purchased in a years time. Just think it would be cool to sit off of a green with my wedge and hit a dozen shots beyond the pin and drawing it back, then a dozen or so , where i practice landing them short and letting them run up to the pin. And like i said in above post, when my timing is off it is often off one way or the other, meaning im hitting to early or to late, and i often carry that many holes into a round before coming out of it if at all. Now if i were able to hit 10-20 drives , 10 minutes before start of an important round, i think i would feel a lot better, when it come time to stand at that first tee. Anyhow , ive run on and on again. If we ever had those options, it would be pretty cool. If not, thats ok too, i still enjoy this game very much. take care all, pete. 

  • Choppography
    2,166 Posts
    Thu, Nov 15 2012 4:06 PM



    each hole/course have different challenges, so no actual practice can simulate such, so best way is to start a practice round and practice exactly where u want:)


    Spoken like a gamer, not a golfer.  Clueless statement.  

    If I just beat balls in different situations like sand shots, uphill/downhill, etc, I'd learn so much I could apply to ANY situation on these courses.  You should likely moderate yourself today.

    As for the practice feature, a simple mulligan feature in practice rounds would fix everything.

  • mikus8
    4 Posts
    Thu, Nov 15 2012 8:16 PM

    I think that would be a big help...especially after forking over $$$ on new equipment that drove my score up 6 strokes instead of down 6 strokes...but you have to adjust to the tee box moving back, right?  What would I know, I'm just Master tier.

    And while I'm on a soapbox, how many birdie putts can I miss by 2-4 inches? Jeez with the equipment I am using that should drop, especially on the superfast "tournament" green setting. 

    But seriously, a putting/chipping/bunker practice green layout would be a fantastic addition to WGT.  I'm sure you could come up with one that even let you select an area to practice from for 20 balls and then move to the next area for 20 more and so on. 

    I'm very impressed with WGT gameplay, social interaction, and realistic physics.  I love the graphics also and I know you guys work hard to make it fun here, so I do appreciate the "venting" here in the forums.

    Have Fun and Hit It Straight  !!!     Mikus8

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