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Practice areas

rated by 0 users
Thu, Nov 15 2012 8:16 PM (12 replies)
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  • jon924w
    2 Posts
    Wed, Nov 14 2012 2:22 PM

    Does anyone think a practice area for driving, chipping,binker shots and putting would be an advantage on the game? sort of get your eye in before starting a tournament or before the first round of a day? say chose your own conditions, high winds, hard greens etc?

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Wed, Nov 14 2012 8:14 PM


    Does anyone think a practice area for driving, chipping,binker shots and putting would be an advantage on the game? sort of get your eye in before starting a tournament or before the first round of a day? say chose your own conditions, high winds, hard greens etc?


    each hole/course have different challenges, so no actual practice can simulate such, so best way is to start a practice round and practice exactly where u want:)


  • JAFO12
    2,107 Posts
    Wed, Nov 14 2012 8:31 PM

    Why when you PRACTICE then leave a PRACTICE round early or get booted does it count against your % of  disconnects? i  didn't  even realize what i was doining to mine  until  i saw it at 73%....LOL wow help please, after all its just a PRACTICE round? Right? 




  • Hewsey
    1,958 Posts
    Wed, Nov 14 2012 8:59 PM

    Are you sure? I didn't think it did.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Wed, Nov 14 2012 9:07 PM

    Practice mode by yourself will not affect your percentage. In a multi-player game it will to the best of my knowledge. Im am not sure if the system distinquishes practice and scored modes.

    But a solo practice round will not affect your %.

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Wed, Nov 14 2012 9:40 PM

    Hey Icon. Can we get the practice settings for the C.T.T.H. courses? Where we can change the wind settings , and play outside of tournament mode? It would at least give us a way to work out with our irons.

  • petethepup
    204 Posts
    Wed, Nov 14 2012 9:53 PM

    hi wgticon,  i too have always thought it would be great to hit a few drives, mid and short irons, and putts before starting a round, especially an impotant one. Yes every course has its unique challenges, but i think what jon, and certainly me is refering to is to practice - timing- . So much of my game hinges on how on or off my timing is. Now, if i want to practice with my driver before a tourney, and start a practice round, it would go somewhat like this, 1st tee i hit my driver, 3 shots later , im on 2nd tee but its a par 3, and the 3rd  tee calls for a 3 wood. So possibly 20 shots or more later, i get to use my driver again.Even in best case , where i can use driver 1st four holes, still only get to hit driver 4 out of 16 strokes, and mind you i only started practice round to time my driver. We could apply this to any club or the putter. Point is you cant practice a paticular club, iron or putter during practice round. Which brings me to this idea... what if WGT provided us with a driving range and practice green, then charged lets say 1 credit per ball? In other words, i could perchase a bucket of 20 balls for 20 credits, or 10, or 35, ever many i chose to hit that day. I could hit all drives or putts, or anything in between. Also, WGT could give us an hourly rate on club rentals from the pro shop that we could then take to the range. I think 20 or 30 consecutive drives or putts would tell me alot about wether or not i care to keep courtin that particular club. Well, enough said, my finger is hurtin. I hope WGT will consider this, thank you, pete

  • ttgunn3
    1 Posts
    Wed, Nov 14 2012 10:13 PM

    Hell , I didn't golf on a real course until I had hit a few buckets of balls


  • JAFO12
    2,107 Posts
    Wed, Nov 14 2012 10:34 PM


    Practice mode by yourself will not affect your percentage. In a multi-player game it will to the best of my knowledge. Im am not sure if the system distinquishes practice and scored modes.

    But a solo practice round will not affect your %.

    it was with others but comon its still PRACTICE??? we all got booted once and it did it then also...???


  • jon924w
    2 Posts
    Wed, Nov 14 2012 11:48 PM

    Hi Pete, what you have hit on is exactly what i mean, a practice round does not hone your driving,putting, bunker shots only. Can all others hijaking the thread regards practices rounds and % open their own thread as this is to try and get the need for practice areas (driving,putting ranges) noticed by the moderators of the game. i didnt search prior to posting but having now done so this has been raised a number of times, which i guess it will keep doing until WGT actually read peoples real thoughts on the idea without having to read a number of posts that are totally off thread.


    Rant over. at least your on my wavelength pete.

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