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Re: New WGT Player on the Block

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Sun, Dec 9 2012 1:11 PM (16 replies)
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  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Fri, Nov 16 2012 6:37 PM



    Hello WGT players, I am new to this game. I just wanted to say Hi, and have fun on the links.

    Here we have a new player who seemed simply to want to say hello.

    But did we welcome him with open arms??

    WELL, DID WE??? 

    No, we accuse him of being a cheater simply because he shot two good rounds. I thought our new "thought" police were going to crack down on this type of CRAP!

    What in the HELL is wrong with you icon, pizza etc????

    You people sure made this new player feel right at home. 

    And why do you care? Go back and read my reply ,  and you should understand why. Only a little over a month in the game,and the stats dont add up. The account may be new , but the person behind it isnt. So if your intentions are to help them set players up to fleece them out of credits. Then the mission has failed. Just sayin


  • Rzbk
    376 Posts
    Sat, Nov 17 2012 10:46 AM

    IMO you seem to be calling this person a cheat and liar. Maybe he is. But do you KNOW that?

    Where I'm from you best know that your accusations are true since those words will get your head kicked in and your a$$ handed to you 

    I was raised to respect a man's word and until he proves he's a liar then he is as he says.

     IMO there is plenty of proven ill's to attack without resorting to slandering a person. Maybe I'm naive but why would he subject himself to your style of ridiculing by drawing attention to himself?

    I was somewhat surprised with his seemingly passive reply but having just returned from several months of being banned from posting because of my responding to people such as yourself so he may have considered the source and decided it wasn't worth it.

    I still don't understand why this site will allow SOME to rape and pillage at will while banning the one's who refuse to take their CRAP.

    Why you would even THINK to mention that  I might be assisting someone to STEAL from others show's me your head and heart seems to be geared to searching for the bad regardless of the truth or lack of it .  

    IMO I will suggest that you and other's of your type continue to do your damage from the safety of sitting at your computer.

    Otherwise, you would likely be missing most of your teeth in a very short time. 

  • Scott2mee
    281 Posts
    Sat, Nov 17 2012 11:20 AM

    How does one players game get so much of anyone elses attention.. I focus on my game.. As long as what another player is doing doesn't disrupt my situation.. It means nothing..

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Wed, Nov 28 2012 10:43 AM


    IMO you seem to be calling this person a cheat and liar. Maybe he is. But do you KNOW that?

    Where I'm from you best know that your accusations are true since those words will get your head kicked in and your a$ handed to you 

    I was raised to respect a man's word and until he proves he's a liar then he is as he says.

     IMO there is plenty of proven ill's to attack without resorting to slandering a person. Maybe I'm naive but why would he subject himself to your style of ridiculing by drawing attention to himself?

    I was somewhat surprised with his seemingly passive reply but having just returned from several months of being banned from posting because of my responding to people such as yourself so he may have considered the source and decided it wasn't worth it.

    I still don't understand why this site will allow SOME to rape and pillage at will while banning the one's who refuse to take their CRAP.

    Why you would even THINK to mention that  I might be assisting someone to STEAL from others show's me your head and heart seems to be geared to searching for the bad regardless of the truth or lack of it .  

    IMO I will suggest that you and other's of your type continue to do your damage from the safety of sitting at your computer.

    Otherwise, you would likely be missing most of your teeth in a very short time. 

    At first , I wasnt going to respond to your cupcake bantering. All I did was point out stats, from the players profile. And again , why do you care? You seem to be wanting to fight really bad about this other player.So, tell us what really gives. So I stand by their stats as will every other player with sense.Whether you like it or not , doesnt even matter. As for my teeth, it would really take more than a cupcake tough guy like you to knock anything out. Where you are from is not a big deal. You have gotten your butt kicked there plenty of times. So , I rest my case. Happy Swinging cupcake.


  • LeGeNdCrUsHeR
    2,067 Posts
    Wed, Nov 28 2012 10:50 AM

    and this thread just got closed..

  • BubbaCrusher007
    1,567 Posts
    Wed, Nov 28 2012 11:31 AM

    Otherwise, you would likely be missing most of your teeth in a very short time


    Hee hee he gonna be spittin teeef,,,hee hee.

  • Rzbk
    376 Posts
    Sun, Dec 9 2012 1:11 PM

    NAH, he ain't got any left to spit. He's been a gummer for a long time. I hear he gum it til it cream, gum it til it clean..

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