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Re: % format

Wed, Feb 27 2013 1:12 PM (19 replies)
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  • gmaster007
    2,101 Posts
    Fri, Nov 16 2012 4:25 PM


    I was at 100% for a long time. Then I played alterernate shot with a quitter and got bumped down to 97%. I played about a month (three or four times a day). I am back to 100%. I wish WGT could come up with a way to penalize only quitters in alternate and not their partners too! It is a total waste of time and money to play alternate only to have your partner quit in the late rounds.

                       I love this game! Shoot lights out guys and gals!

    it shouldn't take a month of play to repair the damage of 1 disconnected round.
    A SPECIALLY when you're not the one quitting..

  • jtneth
    8 Posts
    Fri, Nov 16 2012 4:33 PM

    I look at it this way. When you agree to play somebody you have made a pact or commitment that you would play a round. When they quit it is not that they are just quitting they are breaking a commitment and that is where I think that we need to find away to punish the quitters and not the players that stay. Can there be a why to say after the third time they leave they cannot join a game with others for 48 hrs 1st time 1 week and up afterwards. At least it would slow this epidemic down. Quitting is not an option period.

  • Choppography
    2,166 Posts
    Fri, Nov 16 2012 4:58 PM

    I'm glad some of you said AS no longer counts.  I don't look at the % on myself often anymore.  I know I don't quit.

    However, I ran into Skype issues the past two days.  Skype would start echoing and then drop.  Once that happened, WGT went right along with it.  I dropped three AS games before I just couldn't do that to my friends anymore.  I wondered why my % didn't take a dive.  

    For those of you in CC's, when your % dives, and it's not your fault, just play a few matches with CC members that know you aren't a quitter.  You don't have an issue picking up a game with friends AND you repair your % very quickly most times.  At least that's my experience.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, Nov 17 2012 6:58 AM

    when your % dives, and it's not your fault, just play a few matches with CC members

    30, to be exact. That's the sampling WGT uses-your last 30 rounds where % is in play.

    @WGT-How about reinstating the 30 round thing in AS as it applies to this sampling  (completions only) so us branded quitters can get off the schneid?

  • Choppography
    2,166 Posts
    Sat, Nov 17 2012 8:03 AM

    Understood, YJ.  But, I've had a run at 100% for awhile in the past, suddenly dips to 93 or whatever, due to a rash of drops.  It certainly didn't take me 27 rounds to get the 100% back.  Seems it posting a 74 out of the gate when you hit Master and having to wait 38 rounds for it to drop out.

    And, we've seen players complain that their % never seems to repair after MANY clean games after their % dropped.  It has had me wondering for some time if there isn't something else factoring in there that we aren't privvy to?  There's just no way to tell imo.

    So, bottom line......those having troubles, just keep playing and your % will repair itself over time.  And, besides, if your % is over 80, I doubt many will have an issue playing with you.  It's those in the 50's that are the problem and get dropped without a second thought.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, Nov 17 2012 8:14 AM

    What I'm referring to is those that were just playing AS, getting hosed by the % for whatever reason and then one day it stops. Like overnight. Now you're looking at having to play Blitz, MPs and MP stroke games, to the tune of 30 of them, just to get going back up.

    In your scenario, an occasional disconnect might not be 30 games away to get rid of, just like the way the ranked scores knock each other out and your average fluctuates. If you only play AS you're stuck at wherever you ended at when they changed it.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sat, Nov 17 2012 10:09 AM

    I wish WGT could come up with a way to penalize only quitters in alternate and not their partners too!
    As said before, A/S do not count to the %% anymore - no penalties for quitters or partners ;)

    I see some good opportunities to meet CC ppl online without much hussle:

    - make friends and see who is available,

    - contact via Skype and make on-the-fly phone arrangements,

    - use TeamSpeak, commit to a certain channel and time and look what's happening from there.


    BTW: Is there a confirmed information available if MP practice rounds apart from A/S count to the %% or not? I have a vague memory of "yes" but I'm not sure...

  • gsoup
    2,929 Posts
    Mon, Nov 19 2012 12:48 PM

    this morning i was playing with a fellow clubmate

    i heard a crack a bang and my house shook

    making sure all was well inside and out my house

    i looked over at my neighbors house

    the tree that snapped caved in half the house

    leaving my precious finish % to lower.

    know what? who cares about that

    your friends know you dont quit on them

    so its really no big deal

    come on folks 

    its a GAME

    by the way i broke in to see if there was anyone home

    they were standing in the living room in shock

    just a few messy undies, but they are ok

  • dabberme
    88 Posts
    Mon, Nov 19 2012 5:04 PM

    Based on my 5 months of daily play,  there appears to be hell of alot of trees falling on houses in Your country.

  • adamsaid
    116 Posts
    Wed, Feb 27 2013 1:12 PM


    I was at 100% for a long time. Then I played alterernate shot with a quitter and got bumped down to 97%. I played about a month (three or four times a day). I am back to 100%. I wish WGT could come up with a way to penalize only quitters in alternate and not their partners too! It is a total waste of time and money to play alternate only to have your partner quit in the late rounds.

                       I love this game! Shoot lights out guys and gals!

    ihv bn thown out of 4 games out of 30 till yellow y not my falt it's all B.S

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