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% format

Wed, Feb 27 2013 1:12 PM (19 replies)
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  • dabberme
    88 Posts
    Fri, Nov 16 2012 8:50 AM

    For the past weeks, my % has stayed at 80%  The only time it changed was to go from 83 to 80 when MY partner quit a game. Please explain this.  I play daily.

    I do not believe it is accomplishing what WGT had in mind. While some may be legitimate, there are those who are being booted from Games because of low percentages they do not deserve.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Nov 16 2012 9:02 AM

    Your % isn't affected by AS games anymore, WGT changed that. I am stuck at 80% too and all I play is AS. The 80% came from the same situation you described before it was changed. The new problem is that it won't go back up until I play something like 30 games of MP, MPC or Blitz. Not interested.  :-(

  • hemmison
    2 Posts
    Fri, Nov 16 2012 9:12 AM

    True that dabberme. I think one's reputation will work better than the percntage.

  • gmaster007
    2,101 Posts
    Fri, Nov 16 2012 9:39 AM

    yep same thing here.
    had a quitters' fest one day when couldn't find any players with a half decent % ,
    as expected, one by one they left, leaving me all alone in the lobby,
    couldn't get back in the game, refreshed the client,
    got the "you forfeited" BS message, and am stuck on 97% ever since.

    the system does not reward your avg for completed rounds,
    played 5 (regular strokeplay) of them already since then, and pptt... nada.

    I've been one of the loudest advocates for this feature,
    as I did and still do believe it will heal the game from quitters.

    BUT! if it's not working, then what's the point?
    very sad to see this important idea get screwed up like this.
    the system isn't adjusting your % avg as it should.

    and by the way because of that, it's now so hard to find 3 or 4 players
    in high tiers to play strokeplay these days,
    that this category is practically pointless for TM and above.

  • Hewsey
    1,958 Posts
    Fri, Nov 16 2012 10:19 AM

    yep same thing here.
    had a quitters' fest one day when couldn't find any players with a half decent % ,
    as expected, one by one they left, leaving me all alone in the lobby,
    couldn't get back in the game, refreshed the client,
    got the "you forfeited" BS message, and am stuck on 97% ever since.

    G I have a question. You are in CC with 50 members of which 47 members are very active, can't you hook up with any of them for games? Please, no offense meant, but why would you need to go elsewhere? 

  • dabberme
    88 Posts
    Fri, Nov 16 2012 10:50 AM

    TY YankeeJim  I did not know this.  On the other hand WGT doesn't apply it to AS games anymore because it is almost impossible to even get a game there. Go figure.

  • genegold2
    1,302 Posts
    Fri, Nov 16 2012 1:17 PM

    I play a lot of AS games daily. I is a little problem getting a game going and it usually caused by players being in such a hurry and will not wait a few minutes to get it going. If your in such a hurry, why try to play AS at all. I think some of the Problems are WGT, since some players join and then disappear form the screen, but you can chat with them. I do not play AS with a timer less than 90 because it is too short and have to rush almost very shot. Is only a practice with a little competition to make it more enjoyable. Why not play stroke practice if you want to practice in a hurry. I play with all levels and tiers including legends at different times of the day. It is great to have one with around the world players and such very nice people you meet!

  • adamsaid
    116 Posts
    Fri, Nov 16 2012 2:00 PM


    For the past weeks, my % has stayed at 80%  The only time it changed was to go from 83 to 80 when MY partner quit a game. Please explain this.  I play daily.

    I do not believe it is accomplishing what WGT had in mind. While some may be legitimate, there are those who are being booted from Games because of low percentages they do not deserve.

    I Think it's al bull  I don't really care  i hv quit 2 stock gm ,the rest is from alt shot   been hrown of 7 times in 11 days.   stick this to the wall and throw darts at it it's crapola

  • gmaster007
    2,101 Posts
    Fri, Nov 16 2012 3:55 PM


    yep same thing here.
    had a quitters' fest one day when couldn't find any players with a half decent % ,
    as expected, one by one they left, leaving me all alone in the lobby,
    couldn't get back in the game, refreshed the client,
    got the "you forfeited" BS message, and am stuck on 97% ever since.

    G I have a question. You are in CC with 50 members of which 47 members are very active, can't you hook up with any of them for games? Please, no offense meant, but why would you need to go elsewhere? 

    A. I like the diversity, and playing with random ppl,well, I find it kinda cool.
    B. it's hard to find multiple CC members who are all online and ready for play
    at the same time without some sort of planning or scheduling a round,
    and I don't like to plan ahead too much you know, living the moment and stuff..

    but you do have a point, playing w/ fellow CC members is always the best option,
    but to make it happen you usually need some sort
    of a 3rd party chat or IM software, and I'm not into those at all,
    so that's also another reason I guess.

  • tdexpress
    76 Posts
    Fri, Nov 16 2012 4:16 PM

    I was at 100% for a long time. Then I played alterernate shot with a quitter and got bumped down to 97%. I played about a month (three or four times a day). I am back to 100%. I wish WGT could come up with a way to penalize only quitters in alternate and not their partners too! It is a total waste of time and money to play alternate only to have your partner quit in the late rounds.

                       I love this game! Shoot lights out guys and gals!

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