LS, since I arrived a short while ago, I've found that I enjoy reading your posts. You have the knack of dropping your posts into threads just at the point where I need them, or where it's rightfully needed. Mind you, I don't know if others agree with what I'm saying, but it doesn't matter since I'm speaking for myself here. I have found on more than one occassion that I got the answer I was looking for or needed. Kudos to you!
Having said that and (sort of) getting back to this thread, I wanted to say that once I quickly hit pro, I thought "huh? already?" I then started to figure things out and decided to stop playing so many ranked rounds in order to slow down that rapid advance, and to give myself a chance to learn the game at my pace. I play the odd stroke tournament each week, but tend to do a lot of practice rounds instead. I just don't like being promoted too quickly or being given a title that I don't feel I have properly earned yet.
After reading your first post in this thread, and then this one in which you say:
lonniescott711:I am a casual player, and I play for fun. Other than the free tournaments which I play sometimes, I usually limit my play to practice rounds. I still find myself learning, no matter where I am.
.. I feel better about doing what I'm doing.