To a point this is true . However, if that player , tiers up to fast, this is where the disadvantage comes in. We both know how much time and play , it takes to reach level 91. Lets face it , many of the younger players, dont have the patience to invest the time. We live in a micro wave society. Meaning if we cant have or accomplish what we want in the shortest amount of time, then its not worth the effort. Players dont have to worry about levels , when they take their time to play and learn the game. Me I am a level 91 Master, I have played my way every step of the way to where I am. I take my time to play, as Im in no hurry. In my time of playing , upgrading clubs has never been a problem for me. I have some of the top clubs, not all of them , because I dont need them. I am a casual player, and I play for fun. Other than the free tournaments which I play sometimes, I usually limit my play to practice rounds. I still find myself learning, no matter where I am. When you reach Tour Legend , you too will have to relearn tings over again.As for levels, a player who plays through the levels, will always be a better player than the player who pays their way through the levels. Why because of experience . If I put you in a race car, could you win at Daytona? If I put you in the NBA, could you play better than Kobe? So you see , the issue is really not an issue. The game is fair to a point, and not in other points.But like you say, we all have our own opinions. Thanks for respecting mine, because I also respect yours. Happy Swinging