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Clubs Restrictions Flaws

rated by 0 users
Mon, Dec 3 2012 4:44 AM (11 replies)
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  • JKJ3
    24 Posts
    Thu, Nov 29 2012 8:19 AM

    When it is actually possible for a hack or amateur level 94, to buy your best irons, wedges, and longest driver then something is wrong.  When a person reaches legend tier, which means they hit from the longest tees and they are restricted from buying the best and all clubs available to them, then something is wrong.  You are making your business for rewarding spending more than actual achievement.   You have balls that you can't buy until you reach legend, why not have your clubs restrictions the same way.  Once you reach legend-tour legend there should not be a restriction on what level they can buy clubs. You could probably control sandbagging a little better with club restriction based on tiers rather than level.  What is the incentive to achieve the highest tier and when you get there your are restricted from buying the best clubs.

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Thu, Nov 29 2012 1:35 PM

    You arent restricted from buying anything That Hack or Amateur bought their way up the levels. You and every other player can do the same.  The Legends who cant play from the back tees, put themselves in that position. It takes longer to get to level 90 , than it does to make legend. But many players think making legend in 2-4 months is the way to go. Unfortunately, tee shock is a mother, and the players find out just how much is truly required to play at that level. This complaint has been going on for awhile now, at least for the last 15 months of my being here. So just because you reached legend, the world is not yours. Currently , I have played 464 cd and counting. I have earned the right to have the top clubs , and there are still clubs and balls out of my reach. I dont complain about it , I play for it.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          So you have the options as everyone else. Either play up , or pay up. Put your time in, and earn your way for once. The main reason though that many of you as legends cant compete, is not because of the clubs,its because of the inexperience.Most of you as legends have only been here 2-6 months , and you are playing against players who have been playing 2-3 years. You dont have the course knowledge of ball placement to beat the top players.The same clubs that got you too legend should be good enough, when you know how to use them. Happy Swinging   

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Nov 29 2012 1:46 PM

    +1 ^^^^

  • JKJ3
    24 Posts
    Thu, Nov 29 2012 3:22 PM

    Like I said LOL! They reward you for spending and not achievement.

  • Priesum
    2,009 Posts
    Thu, Nov 29 2012 5:13 PM

    I dont complain about it , I play for it.


    Well said that man.

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Fri, Nov 30 2012 2:24 PM


    Like I said LOL! They reward you for spending and not achievement.

    I dont even know why you are complaining. You are lvl 91 Legend , with top gear. Theres not much which is not available too you. Tiering up is an achievement , not leveling up. Players can buy their way up the levels, but not the tiers.So no , you spend at the pro shop, and play at the course. At the course you can win credits and awards for playing. At the pro shop , you get what you pay for. But the bottom line is , that we all have the same options as to how we want to play this game. You as well as many other players have earned your way up, and thats the way it should be for every one. The level up bars and drinks , should be removed from the pro shop , players should have to come up the levels just like every one else. Happy Swinging


  • Glossopade
    518 Posts
    Fri, Nov 30 2012 2:55 PM


    The level up bars and drinks , should be removed from the pro shop , players should have to come up the levels just like every one else. Happy Swinging 

    Amen to that..... Well said Sir !

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sat, Dec 1 2012 10:11 AM


    Like I said LOL! They reward you for spending and not achievement.

    What else should a profit-orientated company do with regard to their customers?

    They want us to have fun here, thus spending credits. The achievements are of no interest but in this context.

  • JKJ3
    24 Posts
    Sat, Dec 1 2012 2:35 PM

    It is a profit-orientated company, but the bottom line is each and everyone has his or her own opinion.  I think I posted my comment in suggestions. I respect the other persons opinion and not attack their opinion but rather post my own opinion.  Seriously I do not care who is at what tier or level or what clubs they purchase, I enjoy playing with anyone who is willing.  I just think that once you reach legend or tour legend, which is their highest tier, you shouldn't have to worry about leveling up to purchase any club.  Frankly I don't see how they could lose money by changing that rule.  In my opinion after you have reached certain levels there is not much more experience you can come up with.  I see much lower level players defeating higher level players everyday.  But this is my opinion, and nothing anyone says except WGT really matters to me, because they are the ones who make the rules.

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Sun, Dec 2 2012 1:09 PM

    To a point this is true . However, if that player , tiers up to fast, this is where the disadvantage comes in.  We both know how much time and play , it takes to reach level 91. Lets face it , many of the younger players, dont have the patience to invest the time. We live in a micro wave society. Meaning if we cant have or accomplish what we want in the shortest amount of time, then its not worth the effort. Players dont have to worry about levels , when they take their time to play and learn the game.                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Me I am a level 91 Master, I have played my way every step of the way to where I am. I take my time to play, as Im in no hurry. In my time of playing , upgrading clubs has never been a problem for me. I have some of the top clubs, not all of them , because I dont need them. I am a casual player, and I play for fun. Other than the free tournaments which I play sometimes, I usually limit my play to practice rounds. I still find myself learning, no matter where I am. When you reach Tour Legend , you too will have to relearn tings over again.As for levels, a player who plays through the levels, will always be a better player than the player who pays their way through the levels. Why because of experience . If I put you in a race car, could you win at Daytona? If I put you in the NBA, could you play better than Kobe?                                                                                                                                                                                                                         So you see , the issue is really not an issue. The game is fair to a point, and not in other points.But like you say, we all have our own opinions. Thanks for respecting mine, because I also respect yours. Happy Swinging    

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