Crazy3:I am amazed at how many people still do the surveys even after all that has been written about them not paying off - saying that you do not qualify after you have spent a considerable amount of time.
First people try to earn credits, then they find out they are not getting the credits, then they (maybe) try to search the forums, then they find out the search function doesn't work all that well. Try searching for "Toluna = Fraude" and see if this topic is found. Try searching for "Toluna" and see if this topic is on the first page (for it should, being an active topic with most recent post)... and then, when you start reading, you find out that there seem to be people that really do get the credits, besides the loads of people complaining they don't.
It's just a matter of guessing right what they wanna hear, or accidentally complying with desired answers... i guess.
For instance, if they hava a target audience in mind, make that the first question to weed out who they do not want.
Not rocket science - just common sense.