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Re: Private Chat with MisterWGT!

rated by 0 users
Fri, Dec 7 2012 10:16 AM (75 replies)
  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Thu, Dec 6 2012 4:20 PM


    I like the feature exactly as it is. It brings the geography of the coures as well as the defences of the courses into proper play.

    This is an appropriate submission to this thread.

    When are we going to start having WGT Tournaments with Uneven Lies?

    This is not.


    Stay classy,



    I came so close to glory then threw it away.  ;-)

  • westwaste
    13 Posts
    Thu, Dec 6 2012 4:22 PM

    I want pink clubs

  • oneputtdavid
    1,337 Posts
    Thu, Dec 6 2012 6:35 PM

    VEM is not "an existing product or feature of WGT", and it has been discussed, at length, as little as 2 months ago.

    Could we get Mr YuChiang Cheng, founding father of WGT to comment?




  • MBaggese
    15,375 Posts
    Thu, Dec 6 2012 9:36 PM


    VEM is not "an existing product or feature of WGT", and it has been discussed, at length, as little as 2 months ago.

    Please use the forum search bar for more information on this topic.

    From this point out, this thread will stay on topic or posts will be moderated. Thank you.


    Stay classy,


    I was wasn't trying to get off topic, I assumed VEM was a "feature" of this game, such as wind, green speeds, etc...and just wanted more understanding of how it is implemented.

    I fully understand what "products" are, those are for the most part what we use and play with, i/e ProShop items.

    It's all good, I hope you get a good discussion and some quality input from some members.

  • Milfshake
    1,260 Posts
    Fri, Dec 7 2012 4:42 AM

    This is like the blind leading the blind.

  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Fri, Dec 7 2012 10:16 AM

    Thanks for participating in this experiment.

    This thread is over, more details on the upcoming Google Hangout will be announced on the forums at a later time.


    Stay classy,
