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Re: Would Appreciate Some Understanding of This Shot

Wed, Jan 2 2013 1:29 PM (23 replies)
  • Scott2mee
    281 Posts
    Mon, Dec 24 2012 11:51 AM


    Sadly just not enough loft from being so close to the bunker wall. Having played several links courses in the UK, a ball like this often can only be played out sideways. This game is usually a little more forgiving and you can advance it 40 yards or so, but the first objective is to get it out in my opinion.

      I have had to get out of some bunkers by going sideways and out of others by even going backwards I have even hit the bunker wall thinking I had enough room to get out going forward.. A shot I would never atempt to pull off in the world for fear of being hit by the ball or destroying my club.. Alanti is correct.. The first thing you wanna do is get out..

  • why9
    907 Posts
    Tue, Jan 1 2013 6:33 AM

    Let's try this again and this time assume you all are adults and have manners :)

    -wgticon                          ,,l,,  (*¿*)  ,,l,,

  • Tonto0206
    460 Posts
    Wed, Jan 2 2013 3:46 AM

    Hey guys, he had 92 yards to go, there is no way in the world there is any club that will get him there.

    The ball was up against the face, he had to go vertical before he could go forwards, a 64 degree wedge was the only solution with full BS and the dot at the bottom.

    He would have gone about 30 yards at best.

    A punch out of a bunker means a lower trajectory, so I don't know or even care to understand what Richard is talking about.

  • gr8flbob
    592 Posts
    Wed, Jan 2 2013 1:29 PM


    replay.aspx?ID=fdeb062f 2838 4bb9 b86a a1210077adb0

    I was in 30/40 sand. 90 yards. I hit a 100% full 52 cleveland wedge. 

    You achieved your goal: out of the bunker to a reasonable lie, with a makable shot to near pin. It wasn't pretty, but it got the job done.

    Any other discussion is moot, without sufficient additional info: spin, aiming point, contact (early, ding or late), even or uneven lies, ad nauseum. 

    Personally, I'd have aimed way left, 64deg CG, full backspin. full shot or possibly flop, with enough mojo to get me to shorter grass in the 10 or 11 o'clock position, relative to pin direction. But not so far as to end up in fescrewed[R] lie. A decent player should be able to get it close to pin from short rough or fairway inside 100 yds.