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Re: constructive criticism

rated by 0 users
Sun, Feb 10 2013 11:21 AM (14 replies)
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  • Chinajohn
    1,190 Posts
    Sun, Feb 10 2013 3:45 AM


    .... -1

    .... and after few months, from data-base of saved shots -  easy, using 'search' option - or enter 'coursename, hole number, wind, dist, ...' - now we get back precise data about shot power, aim position, spin - ...

    ... and ... wow ... hole-in-one

    just kidding, chinajohn, but where the pleasure is if there,s nothing to discover.

    The top players already record all this data, I'm just asking to make it easier, and I wasn't asking for a search facility, just after each shot a summary of what conditions our next shot are so we can copy and paste it into our data logs.

    The pleasure, is discovering that all that work recording data has paid of when you finally get a problem shot, be it from a bunker, rough, fescue, mulch (or that rarest of shots from the fairway) nailed.

    However, it's no big deal, as I said most record this stuff already.


  • devonnnnn
    1,085 Posts
    Sun, Feb 10 2013 4:14 AM



    Easy option to 'Save/ Print Scorecard' at the end of each completed round..

    No noise required.


    +1! And on that scorecard I want, not only score and tees used (existing card), but also any 'non-standard' conditions:

    pin location (easy/med/hard);


    wind (low/ mod/ high);

    and lies (even or uneven).

    A lot of club tournaments use non-standard conditions and require screen shots to verify they were played that way. Currently multiple screen shots are required to capture all the pertinent data - if it was all on the scorecard, voila! 1 shot needed!


    This really is a good idea, but honestly I never see this happening when u can just download programs to take screenshots.

  • 21as21111
    170 Posts
    Sun, Feb 10 2013 8:15 AM

    However, it's no big deal, as I said most record this stuff already.

    your suggestions, chinajohn, leads to good preparation for upper tiers and harder conditions in the game. its ok. maybe you can make one really good topic about that, how to make useful notice. i have only one little peace of paper with few numbers about correction of wind and not-fairway surfaces. and one little paper more, about unusual entering tn few greens. even i dont see any sign of that WGTpersonname replies here (and we mayb never see), i'll write few suggestion, also.

  • filmslayer
    2,341 Posts
    Sun, Feb 10 2013 8:30 AM


     can we have two separate volume controls one for the (i'm sorry but) music in game screen. and why are some friend notices so loud ? 

    this please , hate not hearing game invites cause i turn down the other crap ...

  • 21as21111
    170 Posts
    Sun, Feb 10 2013 11:21 AM

    suggestions :

    ...1. "Hide friends status" options in 'Friend status list' (game play screen)

    .. 2. "Vote" and "Vote - sponsored" section in 'Forum' area

    ..3. "AV points counter:" "on/off " at 'User account" page

    ..4. "Views: ...counter... times" after ***** (stars), under Topic subject line (Forum)



    1. when this options is "ON" - makes wgt don't send friend status data to player computer (all friends names are gray, no colors or changes)

    2. topic or whatever-named in 'Vote' section, after user made 1, wgt crew  will decide to put it in 'Vote' section or not. where we can only vote (no replies),like '+' or '-' or 'x' or scale option ( or list with something (course names, clubs, ...) or input text field  . topic can be like 'Your favorite course?', 'club',... or 'suggestion ...... like or dont like', 'what i usually play?' ...,       .......................................... 'Vote - sponsored" topic can contain something about sponsor (like' Is the Chrome your favorite browser?' ... etc, WGT will make rules and xx%) - after 1000, 2000, ... votes , we can support (by sponsor credits) someone or CountryClub  or WGT company (why not) . every day Forum makes a millions 'clicks'. We and WGT can use it.

    3. when 'AV points counter: off ' player get Level points like in 'practice mode' (no changes in user stats, less level points), can't get prizes from challenges or tourneys, but you can play everything you want with no changes AV points, any

    4. counter - how many times topic is viewed

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