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Re: Averages

rated by 0 users
Tue, Jan 22 2013 2:10 PM (9 replies)
  • RKPayne
    213 Posts
    Sat, Dec 22 2012 8:02 PM

    As Legend, how many ranked rounds are needed before average stops increasing with high rounds?


    Bob Payne


  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sat, Dec 22 2012 10:10 PM


  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Sun, Dec 23 2012 5:06 AM

    500 ranked

  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Sun, Dec 23 2012 5:30 AM

    Merry Christmas C

  • SwingingRoofer
    456 Posts
    Sun, Dec 23 2012 6:16 AM

    wat do u guys mean by this after 500rds if u have a bad game it wont matter or ?

  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Sun, Dec 23 2012 9:46 AM

    Every tier you have so many ranked rounds to fulfill for the next tier. After achieving those your average will no longer go up it will remain the same or lower as you score lower than your current average.

    Each time you tier up it then resets and will go back to fluctuating until saturating for the next tier.

  • SwingingRoofer
    456 Posts
    Wed, Dec 26 2012 12:33 PM

    cool ty for the reply

  • RKPayne
    213 Posts
    Tue, Jan 22 2013 1:27 PM


    Every tier you have so many ranked rounds to fulfill for the next tier. After achieving those your average will no longer go up it will remain the same or lower as you score lower than your current average.

    Each time you tier up it then resets and will go back to fluctuating until saturating for the next tier.


    Somewhere I read that you need 100 ranked rounds as Legend, and average under 60, to move up to Tour Legend. If that's true, then shouldn't your average stop increasing with bad rounds after 100 ranked rounds?  I currently have 110 ranked rounds as Legend, and my average still increases with higher rounds.

    So, do we have to really get 500 ranked rounds as Legend before averages stop increasing?  If so, then do we need 500 ranked rounds to move up to Tour Legend?


    Bob Payne


  • phiber
    2,795 Posts
    Tue, Jan 22 2013 1:30 PM



    Every tier you have so many ranked rounds to fulfill for the next tier. After achieving those your average will no longer go up it will remain the same or lower as you score lower than your current average.

    Each time you tier up it then resets and will go back to fluctuating until saturating for the next tier.



    Somewhere I read that you need 100 ranked rounds as Legend, and average under 60, to move up to Tour Legend. If that's true, then shouldn't your average stop increasing with bad rounds after 100 ranked rounds?  I currently have 110 ranked rounds as Legend, and my average still increases with higher rounds.

    So, do we have to really get 500 ranked rounds as Legend before averages stop increasing?  If so, then do we need 500 ranked rounds to move up to Tour Legend?


    Bob Payne


    you sure do can be a painful experience, definitley will go through some balls! :)


  • SamanthaWho
    3,403 Posts
    Tue, Jan 22 2013 2:10 PM

    WGT is screwing with all the stroke averages, so there is no way to know whats up. They want you to move up, you will. Doesnt matter what you shoot.

    We have a member of our CC, his avg was 65, he hasnt shot better that 33 in the last 2 weeks, yet his avg just keeps going down. And yes, i have looked at his scores, no other reason for it to go down, than the fact WGT wants it too.