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Re: A few spots open in Morningside Hills

Fri, Jan 4 2013 8:03 AM (24 replies)
  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Wed, Jan 2 2013 8:03 AM

    When this thread got highjacked I sent a PM to that person , After several PM,s this person knows it was a bad thing But will not say sorry in the thread ,  I am not happy with the fact that a simple " I am sorry " posted here could have gone a long way in the eyes of the community .

    I have lost the Respect for this person ,  And it might be time to be removed from the friends list.

    OPY    iaaRft

  • KevinFleenor
    1,455 Posts
    Wed, Jan 2 2013 11:50 AM

    All things being considered, we did pile on a bit much. Really, I didn't think it would stick around for long - as I was thinking a moderator would have taken care of her post early on. 

    It was over 2 days after her post that Lefty cracked his joke, and another day before we poked more fun, and then other outside influences chimed in. There was plenty of time to get things straightened out or moderated or removed. 

    Of course, the only "damage" that was done was to Morningside HIlls, after all. What was supposed to be a recruiting thread (which we don't do much) turned out to be this, with no results. So yeah, we got cranky. 


    However, we are still open for new membership for a few more days
    We have great members, fun tournaments, we're active, we're organized, and have great relationships with many other clubs our size for CC vs CC matches. 

    That website again is



    1,267 Posts
    Thu, Jan 3 2013 9:45 AM

    Kevin I apolgize for breaking your thread but I will never apoligize for defending another club owner from insults .

    We as club owners do are best to add good members to our clubs and its alot of work that goes untoticed to many .I have respect for anyone that takes on that task as all players should .

    I wish the best for your club and members to make it work .Ladysmiles deserves the same chance dont you think ?


  • KevinFleenor
    1,455 Posts
    Thu, Jan 3 2013 11:05 PM

    I'm not impeding anyone's chances of doing anything with their club. Where did that come into play?

    I'm also not sticking my nose where it doesn't belong, repeatedly.  

    I think you're blowing this insult thing out of whack a bit. I think you're also blowing your role in this whole thing out of proportion. Defend what you want I guess, but if you're going to defend someone by trying to insult someone else and their club in a public forum (in their own recruiting thread, mind you) , further endorse another club, and then come back and say you did the right thing.. well, to each his own. I obviously can't stop you from making the last post in this thread. 

    Anyway. Hi again wgt.

    As I previously stated, our club runs in "seasons" and we don't often recruit. Our season starts in a couple days and while we're fine with where we are, we wanted to give others the opportunity to check us out and join. Unfortunately, our efforts here were thwarted somewhat, but we're closing the doors tomorrow anyway. 

    Have fun out there, and be on the lookout for our thread next season. If anything, it should be interesting, right? 



  • gsoup
    2,929 Posts
    Fri, Jan 4 2013 8:03 AM

    our club played morningside a month ago

    all our members reported VERY NICE PEOPLE

    just wont mention the butt whoopin you got  

    Keep up the good work