Greetings Golfers.
There are a few spots open at the Morningside Hills Country Club.
I don't mean to toot my own horn here, but this IS a club you'll be glad you joined. We have a very solid core of active members, and many have been around for a while. Those that are newer have found their home with us, and you couldn't pry them away if you tried.
We're a pretty organized and active club, and expect our new members to be active, friendly, involved, and competitive.
We'll be kicking off our 5th season in a couple weeks, and I'd like to take the opportunity here to tell you a little bit about what we do.
- We have a Club Championship Season. The seasons are usually about 2 months long, and in the process we play several different tournaments on all the available courses. These tournaments carry points which accumulate throughout the season and this year we've developed a division style leaderboard and will be deciding the new Club Champion in a bracket tournament finale. You can see more about that here. ( Intro Page )
- We have other featured tournaments like the Hillside Cup, the new Ryder Cup inspired LaBonte Cup, and of course bracket challenges and plenty of CC vs CC tourneys. There are usually several other member sponsored tournaments going on as well.
There's plenty of action in our club, but we intend to keep the membership lower than 50. This does not translate to easier competition however, as we have some outstanding players including a couple Tour Legends, about a dozen Legends, as well as about a dozen Masters. It's likely that you'll fit in nicely if you're active and eager to continue improving your game.
Check out our website , and see if we're what you're looking for.
This Club isn't for everyone, and we're not just looking for anyone...We're looking for active members who love competition and camaraderie, will participate frequently in the tourneys AND forum (a lot of action takes place in the forum), and who will stay involved with what we consider to be a real club with real friends - and real action.
If you want to be a member at Morningside Hills, please add me as a friend and send me a message, write on my wall - something - but don't just hit the apply button because I won't know where you came from or whether you've actually checked us out.