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Re: Legend in 24 days is this a record?

Mon, Jan 7 2013 3:54 AM (28 replies)
  • gippertime
    38 Posts
    Sun, Jan 6 2013 1:53 AM

    That's insane, clubs are worth what 10% when selling them

    I'm pretty sure the point is that the first will stop being used so all the clubs that they have for it will be sold to fund the other account.  It's technically worth the credits to the second account in expected value since the second account has such a leg up on the competition. 

    dump the credits to the other account

    This implies there are credits to dump.  Nobody's talking about the credits being dumped, the point is that the gifting is just one sign of a multiple account.  Particularly when an account that once had nice clubs is left with starters.  

    Nice work columbo

    You're obviously a DB.


  • Steve2golf
    930 Posts
    Sun, Jan 6 2013 4:23 AM


    That's insane, clubs are worth what 10% when selling them

    I'm pretty sure the point is that the first will stop being used so all the clubs that they have for it will be sold to fund the other account.  It's technically worth the credits to the second account in expected value since the second account has such a leg up on the competition. 

    dump the credits to the other account

    This implies there are credits to dump.  Nobody's talking about the credits being dumped, the point is that the gifting is just one sign of a multiple account.  Particularly when an account that once had nice clubs is left with starters.  

    Nice work columbo

    You're obviously a DB.

    My point is gifting is not a good sign of anything, but maybe someone being nice to a struggling friend or family member, using the point of gifting from the first account as evidence when it does not make any economical sense when more value is achieved if the first account sells the equipment then dumps the credits to account 2, hence no gifting taking place.

    There are tons of dormant Legend accounts here, some have left, some have created multiple accounts, but using gifting as evidence just because it is the only thing that can be garnered from inspecting the profile is a mistake putting people unnecessarily under suspicion. 

    And for how long do they have this leg up, and how long does it take to get this leg up?

    I play MPC, a definite place where it is possible to have this leg up, however I have played dozens of obvious multi accounters and some have openly admitted to doing so, however, until they have reached a very high level, IMHO LvL 88, they have no such leg up at all due to poor equipment. I would take my 3 iron shot from over 225 yards over their 9 iron from 110 every day of the week, but there are no such times here that scenario occurs, 50 or 60 yard advantage at most and only on a few holes.

    But now are these new rules in place, so a multi account would get what maybe 3 or 4 wins and be moved up, there is no point to multi accounting and makes no longish or economical sense to do so, when the first account makes the most sense to keep.

    Anyway the only almost sure way to stop multi accounting would be 1 account per IP address, but then what about Universities, Company's, Condo's, IP address spoofing, proxy servers, internet cafe's, starbucks, cellular etc etc etc. Not everyone is chained to a desktop in a house you know.

    Multi accounting is a dead issue now, it's as fixed as it will ever be, move on.


  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Sun, Jan 6 2013 10:50 AM

    the point is that the gifting is just one sign of a multiple account


    So if one wants to investigate a possible "Bagger" and looked at that profile's activities to see if it's a receiver or giver of multiple gifts, one's assumptions could be proven. Is that what you are saying?

  • gippertime
    38 Posts
    Sun, Jan 6 2013 5:58 PM

    more value is achieved if the first account sells the equipment then dumps the credits to account 2, hence no

    This is all theoretical and it takes more time and effort to "dump" to another account rather than just gift.  

    And for how long do they have this leg up, and how long does it take to get this leg up?

    the leg up is experience in the game.  You can still play ready goes and challenges at any time, if you already know the game you can destroy the early competition no matter what equipment you have, but it will always help to be gifted the best stuff for you level.

    Multi accounting is a dead issue now, it's as fixed as it will ever be, move on.

    If you had read my earlier post you would have realized I said that if people want to spend time cheating the game that is their issue.  I know it's going to happen regardless, but some of us were just having a normal conversation, and I was just reiterating what someone else had said about gifting earlier.  

    Really the point is you don't have to come along and act like a complete jerk, particularly to someone who is just asking questions about it.  

  • gippertime
    38 Posts
    Sun, Jan 6 2013 6:06 PM


    the point is that the gifting is just one sign of a multiple account


    So if one wants to investigate a possible "Bagger" and looked at that profile's activities to see if it's a receiver or giver of multiple gifts, one's assumptions could be proven. Is that what you are saying?

    I'm pretty sure sandbagging is a different issue and has probably been put to an end with some new measures like Fmagnets said earlier.  I don't think gifting really proves anything. I was making the argument that it could be a sign of a MA - or rather clarifying what someone else had said.  I have no desire to go accusing anyone, I'd rather just play the game and let WGT handle this stuff. Obviously this game being all virtual there are always going to be ways to cheat the system.  

  • gippertime
    38 Posts
    Sun, Jan 6 2013 6:34 PM


    the point is that the gifting is just one sign of a multiple account


    So if one wants to investigate a possible "Bagger" and looked at that profile's activities to see if it's a receiver or giver of multiple gifts, one's assumptions could be proven. Is that what you are saying?

    Also, as Steve just said, these measures insure you will move up tier faster so the advantages to multiple accounts are severely diminished. Someone also made the point earlier that you could play on someone else's account and learn the game, so anyone could come in with a higher level of experience when they start.  

    Ironically the new changes are going to highlight, or make worse one of my biggest problems earlier, which was the fact that I could not get the equipment to compete on my tier.  What do you do when you make Master at level 42?  You have to sit and wait over ten levels, for me it was 17 to buy the Pings at level 58-59.  

    I suppose that's just the way it is.  

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sun, Jan 6 2013 6:51 PM

    don't think gifting really proves anything. I was making the argument that it could be a sign of a MA

    Exactly - it is a only a sign, but often leads to a pretty easy conclusion if you know who gifted the equipment and the player who received it. So why can't WGT say xxx received a gift from xxx on the players profiles?

    This would at least give the detectives a better chance of isolating the MA's. Anf if WGT wanted to do an audit of players gifting to the same player multiple times it would be a simple filter to add. The sad thing is nothing happens and its the honest players who are affected (tournaments, RGs, skins,challenges etc).

    It doesn't impact me directly as I purely play for fun and frustration lol but imagine how disheartening for a newbie to play and then see that another "newbie" has shot a 29. If you smell a rat, you may well think the game is full of cheaters and not play again. Is this what we want to portray to new players?

  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Sun, Jan 6 2013 8:27 PM

    Horsey has now left the building ....... In a Coffin.

  • Phlos
    48 Posts
    Mon, Jan 7 2013 3:54 AM

    i don t remember exactly how many days played but i do it in 1 month, when i moved up legend i didn t had lot ranked match played to. Then i think the number of round played is not important to be a legend.
    I remember i moved up to a legend just after beating 1 legend player in match play challenge