...most Golf courses have the above. I don't know about some players, but I strike all my hits on the sliding scale.. and often I cannot find my eye/rhythm for an accurate strike. Push,pull,hook or slice etc... oh I'd enjoy having a wgt green to get my speeds and hits going before a tournament... same theory for a driving range. Annoy myself having to reload an unlimited game (time after time) until I feel ok to start a single entry game !!
I know it would cost a million to prep & display these player assets... but am sure a million players would frequent same at a nominal cr/fee. Say a dead flat green, with three speed selections at 10credits. A Driving Range (flat/no wind) at 20credits for a bucket of balls. Now that would round out wgt golfing to perfection... for me anyway.
Love your site and the golf. Keep improving it gentlemen/ladies. Cheers... A member.