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A WGT Putting green & Driving range...

rated by 0 users
Sat, Jan 12 2013 4:36 PM (2 replies)
  • missedafortune
    49 Posts
    Sat, Jan 12 2013 3:45 AM

    ...most Golf courses have the above. I don't know about some players, but I strike all my hits on the sliding scale.. and often I cannot find my eye/rhythm for an accurate strike. Push,pull,hook or slice etc... oh I'd enjoy having a wgt green to get my speeds and hits going before a tournament... same theory for a driving range. Annoy myself having to reload an unlimited game (time after time) until I feel ok to start a single entry game !!

    I know it would cost a million to prep & display these player assets... but am sure a million players would frequent same at a nominal cr/fee. Say a dead flat green, with three speed selections at 10credits. A Driving Range (flat/no wind) at 20credits for a bucket of balls. Now that would round out wgt golfing to perfection... for me anyway.

    Love your site and the golf. Keep improving it gentlemen/ladies.  Cheers... A member.


  • tzor
    3 Posts
    Sat, Jan 12 2013 1:45 PM

    I have to second the idea; in fact it is one of the reasons why I infrequently play.  I understand the notion of "practice, practice, practice," but on a given day my fingers are more used to other things and my timing is at least 24 hours stale.  These timing mistakes are what takes the most enjoyment out of the game.  I hate to have to play one nine hole game in order to get the feel for the next game.  

  • antiseptic15
    12 Posts
    Sat, Jan 12 2013 4:36 PM

    Not a good idea. If you think that a putting green should do, then it would cost credits to use. Play a practice round on a course.