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Re: Google chrome

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Mon, Jan 28 2013 2:37 AM (29 replies)
  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Jan 22 2013 8:34 AM

    Jim  I am yelling :}  how do I get the adblock extension ?  thnx 

    LOL. Here. It's the first one on the list, just click on it and "Add to Chrome."  :-)

  • BaconButty
    116 Posts
    Tue, Jan 22 2013 12:31 PM

    look at my saved replay saved to-day 22/01/2013 on my profile page calld (what the f'k is this wgt) have a look at the wind direction and how it changes.

    is this me or my computer

    l need some help here plese

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Jan 22 2013 12:40 PM

    have a look at the wind direction and how it changes.

    Not sure what you're seeing but it's a 6 wind in the correct direction on every camera. What you might not be noticing is the 2nd camera is a reverse view, the 3rd and 4th are front views and the 5th is a reverse view. 

  • BaconButty
    116 Posts
    Tue, Jan 22 2013 2:36 PM

    camera 1 is my set up view off the tee  6 wind left to right carry - from my club face to the flag and the wind direction all point in the same direction the only thing l need to look out for is not to let te ball carry over to the last bunker.

    open camera 3 and look at the flag keeping in mind the bunker l am trying not to carry into off the tee and look at the wind direction - now the wind is a right to left pushing my ball away from the buncker and off the f/w


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Jan 22 2013 5:26 PM

    I see what you're looking at. What changes is the 2nd shot. You crossed over the wind line. The position you're in is left of where you were off the tee. The wind will affect the 2nd shot differently. That camera view #2 is from a ground position, like around where you would land.  The blue line is the wind direction. The 2 red arrows are the different angles you're looking at the shot from.

  • BaconButty
    116 Posts
    Wed, Jan 23 2013 3:01 AM

    OK thanks l understand more now l see it from a top view also on camera 1 the vapor shows the ball moving left to right just not as much from a 6 wind as l was thinking shame the marker was not in the replay.

    Jim just before you go can you post me a link to down load a good browser as you know the one l have is killing my game and othere things.

    Cheers BB

    keep up the good work




  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Jan 23 2013 5:04 AM

    can you post me a link to down load a good browser

    Comodo Dragon is the one I use but a lot of players seem to get along well with Maxthon. I tried it but the visuals aren't as good as CD. 

  • borntobesting
    9,779 Posts
    Wed, Jan 23 2013 5:27 AM


    can you post me a link to down load a good browser

    Comodo Dragon is the one I use but a lot of players seem to get along well with Maxthon. I tried it but the visuals aren't as good as CD. 

    Since the last flash update and CD update CD is performing better than Maxthon 3. 

  • BaconButty
    116 Posts
    Fri, Jan 25 2013 4:59 PM

    no this is BULL C't eve now l have n cotrol with what l right nor over the4 game l ay.  praice done that have a lokat on my profile from 6am till 12am l can playthis game ood then it all chanes.ifyou ca readthis u should play me game. this game is about moneyor wgt nt the ae we pa. the words ae he same as m golf sh't

    if l an shoot a 27 l can shoot a 24 if l can sho a 59 l can shoot a 55 the only thing stopping this wgt is you.

    l beleve this gam is abot missing shots useing up ball time (ASAP) just to make money form the 90% of the players on this site

    don't sy this is down to my computer as thi is well past its sell by ate

    l have nocontorl over anything 

  • zzturk
    150 Posts
    Mon, Jan 28 2013 2:37 AM

    Pepperflash is just first item that chrome sees - and uses it.

    Second item is usually the real flash that you want to be using (and it does NOT contain the word pepperflash in it).

    To verify that your pepperflash is disabled, open a new tab and type  chrome:plugins (note the colon between words, it's easy to miss here) Over on the top right is a small + sign that when keyed, enables details and changes to - (I leave mine on the minus)

    The very first item is usually the pepperflash (if it has the blue word  "disable" at the bottom, it is active and must be keyed to de-activate - the word will change to "enable". Leave it that way!

    The second item is usually the flash you want to be using (hence make sure to key enable if it wasn't and it's word will change to "disable". Leave IT that way!  Exit out and you're done.

    If by some strange reason you need to update and GET the usable flash version, go get it at

    Then go through my steps again to verify that your pepperflash is turned off.

    This should clear up any pepprflash caused problems - other causes for meter skip are bandwith overusage (too many people simultaneously on same network).

    Once in a while, take a free practice swing, uncharged against ball life or score.

    My current (perfectly working) flash version is 11.5.502.146