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Google chrome

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Mon, Jan 28 2013 2:37 AM (29 replies)
  • gr8flbob
    592 Posts
    Sat, Jan 19 2013 7:51 AM

    Whatever browser you use you can eliminate all the extraneous loading of stuff like the main page if you set it to open directly to the game client. In fact, before you do anything try that. Go to your Settings and where it says "On Startup" click "Open a specific page...". Enter the game URL there and close the browser. Now, when you open it you will go directly to the game. This cures a lot of ills.  :-)

    Bingo! we have a winnah! the URL referred to is: 

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, Jan 19 2013 9:13 AM

    Thanks for adding that, Bob. I should also explain that doing this does not make your browser a "dedicated to the game" one. You can still use it as your default browser and everything else, this step just eliminates the  unnecessary clutter and background happenings that get in the way of game performance.

  • justacowboy
    1,338 Posts
    Sat, Jan 19 2013 9:23 AM

    i  downloaded comodo  and  tried to play wgt but it wouldnt let me  log into the game ....can anyone help

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, Jan 19 2013 9:39 AM

    You have to allow popups. Yell if that's a problem figuring out. Also, get the Adblock extension. You'll be amazed at what you don't see.

    Good move, btw.


  • Ripper017
    76 Posts
    Sat, Jan 19 2013 1:37 PM

    I've been using Chrome for a while but saw this thread earlier today. I downloaded dragon, played a game and couldn't ht an accurate shot (hit the ding) to save my soul. Admittedly, I am not the most accurate player! lol. Shot +6 (I think) for 9 holes.

    In any case, logged back in with Chrome and shot -1. The meter just seemed more consistent to me.

    The advice here is very good. My take: try the various browsers, settings, etc, and stick with what works best for your connection.

  • BaconButty
    116 Posts
    Mon, Jan 21 2013 5:32 PM

    jim l sent you a message and you sent me back a message saying....

    Something bizarre going on there. Switch browsers and see if it changes.

    others may have the same probem so l have come in the forum as l need to ask some things,

    below is a cut copy from the bizarre message

    01.15.13 205 shot into 16 mph 10 to clock wind from the left, taken 210.yard R11 club..242 how is that wgt St Andrews Links: The

    the above has only happed on wgt never have l seen it in any of my emails l send off wgt.

    now l have clubs/balls l buy and l pay this game with the infrmation l am given by wgt.  the message should have read. 01.15.13 - l t ook a 205 yrd 2nd shot into the green on the 5th green at andrews l played a 210 r11 4i full top spin all l was trying to do was hit the front of the green about 165 yrd away and let the ball roll up and over down to the flag a shot l have play many times before.

    my message to jim was how l start a new post in the forum and bring this shot up as then l found tis thread. as a friend l have opened up a direct link to jim pofie when l sent the message it was tryped wright somewere on route to jim it has change to what you see is it l have a BAD browser or is there something in wgt that i not right.

    can something change the information we are given to pay this game be it on the tee off the f/w or on the green when like when the ball stops short or even change the line and speed of the dots.

    my point is - the 210yrd shot l made carryed about 205 yrds and rolled 35 yrds past the hole  there was no 16 mph wind in my face?

    l hope my words wright





  • putterdog
    6,732 Posts
    Mon, Jan 21 2013 8:02 PM


     Yell if that's a problem figuring out. Also, get the Adblock extension. You'll be amazed at what you don't see.

    Good move, btw.


    Jim  I am yelling :}  how do I get the adblock extension ?  thnx 

    266 Posts
    Mon, Jan 21 2013 9:31 PM


    Use maxthon 3 browser and install game booster 3 which is free to download


  • bubbadork
    984 Posts
    Mon, Jan 21 2013 11:46 PM

    Things are different for different people. I'll just give my experience. I have a mediocre system: 3 gig clock, 1 gig ram, good cable connection. Since I started (March of last year) I only had meter problems when that really bad Flash update came out. I've always used Chrome.

    That said, as a retired computer professional I keep my system pristine in terms of background processes and other clutter. I wrote a program to measure my meter speed and it's very consistent for any given club/ball combination. I do not play full screen, but I think that's a minor factor if it's a factor at all.

    224 Posts
    Tue, Jan 22 2013 1:03 AM

    .. For me it comes down to internet speed and perhaps lightening off a tad with friends,,, i also use Maxthon...