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Re: Fake Ball Flight

rated by 0 users
Wed, Jan 16 2013 1:41 PM (2 replies)
  • rjr2112
    4 Posts
    Wed, Jan 16 2013 10:30 AM

    I have been away from the game for 2 months due to health reasons.

    I tried playing my first tournament today and was frustrated and shocked at the fake ball flight. I thought something was wrong with my system or something...but nope! The ball goes up and quickly drops somewhere near my target. Once the balls stops I finally get a view of where my ball ended up.

    What's up with that???????????????

    What has happened since I was away and is there any way to go back to the realisic play that once was?

    If not....I will send in my walking papers. That sucks!

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Wed, Jan 16 2013 1:15 PM


    I have been away from the game for 2 months due to health reasons.

    I tried playing my first tournament today and was frustrated and shocked at the fake ball flight. I thought something was wrong with my system or something...but nope! The ball goes up and quickly drops somewhere near my target. Once the balls stops I finally get a view of where my ball ended up.

    What's up with that???????????????

    What has happened since I was away and is there any way to go back to the realisic play that once was?

    If not....I will send in my walking papers. That sucks!


    you have a boost equipped. we added those for ones who wanted to expedite their round.

    you can disable it in options.


  • rjr2112
    4 Posts
    Wed, Jan 16 2013 1:41 PM

    That's a big relief. Thank you.