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Re: Swing meter bar speed

rated by 0 users
Thu, Jan 17 2013 6:17 PM (3 replies)
  • TopFlite7
    352 Posts
    Thu, Jan 17 2013 12:09 PM

    Maybe someone can help me out with this one.

    I use Google Chrome and clean the cache before I play.

    But still the swing bar is not smooth. It starts out OK but towards the middle of the progression it start's to get a little jerky. Throws my timing off big time.

    Any way to clean up this problem?


  • xXxjasonxXx
    688 Posts
    Thu, Jan 17 2013 12:22 PM

    switch to maxthon3 browser smooth as butter enjoy.....

  • jakestanfill7
    949 Posts
    Thu, Jan 17 2013 5:43 PM


    I could be a myriad things.  I had tried every browser under the sun and I thought every tweak to my graphics card.  Had no luck with any browser Oct and Nov.  I ended up disabling my graphics card and running solely off the integrated chip.  Meter doesn't stutter now but freezes and rocket balls happen more frequently.

    As for Jason's post,  by all means try Maxthon.  It's the only one other than Pale Moon x64 that will remotely run the game for me personally.  Firefox used to be pretty good but I've never had any luck with Chrome, even using the suggestions/ tweaks from WGT as their preferred browser.

    NOTE TO EVERYBODY CONSIDERING A LAPTOP PURCHASE......stay away from Sony Vaio. Mine (1 yr old) had very good reviews and outstanding performance metrics but I've had a giant headache with mine.  Sony laptops are very particular about driver updates and I get more "incompatible" error messages trying to update my system than you can believe.

    Case in point, I tried to create a dual boot with XP on the other partition.  This is not hard to do and I have done it several times on other brand computers.  Not so good on Sony.  It fried my hard drive and I lost everything.

    5,835 Posts
    Thu, Jan 17 2013 6:17 PM

    switch to maxthon3 browser smooth as butter enjoy.....

    Yeah so far for me, the best browser for WGT.

    Also use CCleaner to clean up clutter in your system - it also has a good STARTUP configuration in the TOOLS section - disable EVERYTHING that isnt essential to load when windows boots.

    Adequate ram/ memory is also needed, WIN7 requires 2GB just to boot. $GB should be minimum, 8GB even better.

    Good that you clear your browser cache but also be sure to clear your Flash Cache - Click here  and click the "Delete all sites" button in the Settings Manager.