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Re: vajda

rated by 0 users
Sun, Jan 20 2013 11:36 AM (9 replies)
  • bluey403
    1,533 Posts
    Fri, Jan 18 2013 3:33 AM

    it appears that vajda is a virus,,,can you possibly delete  it from my friends list please.

  • gr8flbob
    592 Posts
    Fri, Jan 18 2013 6:29 AM


    it appears that vajda is a virus,,,can you possibly delete  it from my friends list please.

    ?? Unclear from your question: is 'vajda' a player name that appears on your WGT friends list? Or is it something detected by your anti-virus program?

    I google it and find it only as an eastern European surname.

    You have control over your friends list; if you want to remove a 'friend', click on on that friend's name in your friends which will bring up that player's profile page. At the top of the profile page there's a REMOVE FRIEND button; click on that and - poof! - that 'friend' will be removed from the list.


  • Squez
    469 Posts
    Fri, Jan 18 2013 6:59 AM

    I see what the OP is talking about, I tried to go on vajda's profile page and my computer went nuts, and this person has over 6000 friends. I don't think it's possible to remove this friend, you can't load his page without crashing.

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Fri, Jan 18 2013 7:06 AM

    There is most definitely a problem with Vajda's profile. The page won't load and I got a massive script error message. My computer froze-up, but recovered when I clicked the back arrow. I don't believe it's a virus. I'll do a Malwarebytes Pro scan and give the details.

    No malware detected.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Jan 18 2013 7:09 AM

    I got it to load enough to see the blog but anything below that didn't show up. Weird. There used to be a bug with the number of friends in your list. Whenever it got over 250 odd stuff started happening with status and messaging. IDK if it was ever fixed.

  • Kelsey12
    2,114 Posts
    Fri, Jan 18 2013 7:42 AM

    Vajda's profile takes so long to load because he has thousands of high res pictures in a blog post. If you can get it to load before it times out or crashes, you should be able to remove him from your friends list.

    You can always stop the loading process as well and remove him then.

  • borntobesting
    9,782 Posts
    Fri, Jan 18 2013 7:54 AM

    I went to his profile page on my phone and it froze about 1/2 way through.It loaded just fine on my PC a few weeks back when there was another thread about him.



    2,580 Posts
    Fri, Jan 18 2013 7:56 AM

    Yeah, clicked on the profile name, and it kept trying to load up the page, did a quick retreat just in case.

  • xstinsonx
    363 Posts
    Sun, Jan 20 2013 9:44 AM

    Somewhere back I guess I became friends with him somehow. I was clearing out friends who I had not played with in a few months. Clicked his page and also took forever to load it up just enough to delete him.

  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Sun, Jan 20 2013 11:36 AM

    Its not a virus ...the problem is the amount of firends that person has and the inability for WGT to load their profile. If you wait long enough you will be able to remove them from your list. I had the same issue but finally was able to remove them.