Has anybody else had a message from some legend player, don't publish him,
but I think he is a accussing me of cheating, lol.
Don't know this guy, and NO I don't cheat, but through hard work made it, where I
am now!
Take care
Why care?
Blocking list & trash bin, that's where such trolls belong.
No feeding!
Jealousy is such a terrible affliction...
And looking at his friends list he may only feel comfortable around the fairer sex..
Or just hates Men..
Or can't hack Legend at L74..
Possibilities are endless. :)
Kenny must be a relative of Jimmy (same "last name" and choice of "friends"), or perhaps his alter ego, they both seem to write the same crap on people's walls. Looks like K doesn't think much of Seb as well, lol.