WGTicon: ACSPedrosa: After completing stroke play rounds against others and after the final standings screen I exit the game. WGT is now regularly considering my completed rounds as forfeited. What is going on? hi it's a scorecard bug. please ignore it. it does nothing, just wrong wording. -wgticon
ACSPedrosa: After completing stroke play rounds against others and after the final standings screen I exit the game. WGT is now regularly considering my completed rounds as forfeited. What is going on?
After completing stroke play rounds against others and after the final standings screen I exit the game. WGT is now regularly considering my completed rounds as forfeited.
What is going on?
it's a scorecard bug. please ignore it. it does nothing, just wrong wording.
An addition of information, try clicking on "Main Menu" once you've completed a match and looked at your card instead of just closing the Game Client Window. It seems to clear up the problem.
Well fix it !! It happens to me all the time and is very annoying, If you know about it, why can't your techs fix it.