After completing stroke play rounds against others and after the final standings screen I exit the game. WGT is now regularly considering my completed rounds as forfeited.
What is going on?
ACSPedrosa: After completing stroke play rounds against others and after the final standings screen I exit the game. WGT is now regularly considering my completed rounds as forfeited. What is going on?
it's a scorecard bug. please ignore it. it does nothing, just wrong wording.
It does this in alt shot as well. As WGT said it doesn't mean anything and does not effect your completion percentage.
Thank for the information. I was thinking it was affecting my completion rate which i visible when joining a match - causing others to think I regularly quit in the middle of a round, good or bad.
on the subject.........can someone tell me EXACTLY what counts toward your "completion rate" and what does NOT count? Ranked, Practice, Challenge, Stroke, Blitz, Alternate, Match, etc....etc.....
thanks for any insight.
I think that it is any ranked round.
I think that it excludes Alternate Shot.
ACSPedrosa:my completion rate which i visible when joining a match
Where are you seeing this? I've never noticed it, mind you I wasn't looking for it either.
Create a match, and before you have to invite an opponent you will see a green dot next to your name.
Tks Alosso