Question: when did you last 'optimize' browser? I have the following url ( settings manager07.html ) loaded to my bookmark toolbar in Dragon. I check it daily and frequently find an annoying YouTube cookie appearing, allotting itself 10 kb to ???.
If you go to the Flash settings URL noted above and navigate to Website Storage settings, you'll see this screen: 
Leave the WGT setting alone, at your preference. Either hilite and delete the s.ytmg (and any other non-WGT site), or ... based on a bit of web research just now, do what I've done: set its allowed storage to zero, and tick the Never Ask Again box.
I'll report back if that doesn't solve the occasional loading issue. In general I don't use Dragon for general purpose browsing; it's reserved for Game play and secure transactions like banking.
The nice thing about making the Flash settings site a bookmark is, if I'm experiencing loading issues during play, I can open another Dragon tab or window and take care of the offending site without touching the WGT game client window. A number of times, it's saved me from the dreaded '3 dis-conns and you've forfeited' loss!