Yesterday I got on and went to do the normal daily video carousel of seven videos. In the past on various occasions there are one or more other "SocialVibe" credit offers like for ATT U-verse etc and normally range in credit values of 15-24 maybe lil more sometimes.
Well yesterday when I got to the carousel viewing screen there was an offer from "TurboTax. Credits awarded when you engage with this activity. 400 credits".
I said to myself "well dayyyyyuummmm. This must be a really extensive reply needed for so many credits. I got time. Lets do this. I clicked on the offer and as per usual, a new window opened and started loading. Usually taking anywhere from 1 - 10 seconds, I patiently waited. After 30 minutes of waiting ( I did step away from the pc and viewed some t.v. lol), I closed that window. I then refreshed the page to see if by some miracle the credits went through anyways (happened before). Imagine the look on my face when I seen that I had indeed been awarded credits!!!!! Now imagine that same face when it sees that only THREE credits were awarded lol lol lol.
Below are the screenshots:
The actual offer.......

Look at credit total afterwards.......

I had this happen one other time before, the credit offer being 100 on that one. It didn't give 100. I learned to screenshot from that experience.
I could possibly see if the credit offer was for 400 and it gave 4 credits because of an extra 0 glitch, but as you can see it gave 3 and that number wasn't in the original offer. It all puzzles me because I've never seen nor heard of any type of other glitches happening here on WGT...... \0/ ???????