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Re: amatuer??

rated by 0 users
Mon, Apr 13 2009 6:21 PM (3 replies)
  • deanoDVS
    4 Posts
    Mon, Apr 13 2009 2:59 PM

    needs help to get to amatuer anyone tell me how ty

  • drivnchaos
    286 Posts
    Mon, Apr 13 2009 3:30 PM

    Practice practice practice...

    Once your average drops to below 69 you will change to amatuer.

    Thats when you start hitting from the back tee and the learning begins again.

    Enjoy your play


  • deanoDVS
    4 Posts
    Mon, Apr 13 2009 5:38 PM

    tyvm thot was like that but i did see several 70+'s at amatuer  but ok ty


  • drivnchaos
    286 Posts
    Mon, Apr 13 2009 6:21 PM

    once you hit amatuer you stay there even if your score goes back up above 69..

    Enjoy your play