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Re: How Do You Invite/Friends

rated by 0 users
Wed, Jan 30 2013 9:42 PM (3 replies)
  • Tyrones
    95 Posts
    Sun, Jan 27 2013 9:20 PM

    Just got addicted to Blitz Games. Played with over 100 good people and 2 asshats.


    How does one create a Blitz Game and invite ones friends. I honestly searched a couple pages but found no answer. One would think a site this big could afford a "SEARCH" button. Thank You. Tyrone

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sun, Jan 27 2013 9:27 PM

    How does one create a Blitz Game and invite ones friends.

    Click on 'create a game',  then 'Blitz'  then 'create game' , then click on friend...

    The clues are there :))


  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sun, Jan 27 2013 9:37 PM

    There was a search feature but it was playing up so they removed it. Hopefully it'll be back soon.

  • Tyrones
    95 Posts
    Wed, Jan 30 2013 9:42 PM

    Thanks guys for the info.