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Re: Sticky mouse

rated by 0 users
Thu, Jan 31 2013 8:46 PM (3 replies)
  • Mcgintyballs
    3 Posts
    Mon, Jan 28 2013 8:17 PM

    Game had been running really well for me, but now major issue. Hard to explain, so try follow please - For eg. when putting I choose reverse view then set cursor/arrow where I want it , then go to move cursor to hit the return to front view icon and the cursor drags the putt location with it, so that it ends up beside the reverse icon. Happens with drives and iron shots too, results in clocks running down and shots lost in timed games. 

    Using chrome, which always used, pepperflash off, any thoughts/help, before it sickens me altogether and results in my departure .....please.

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Tue, Jan 29 2013 10:04 AM


    i am not sure what the issue is but try another browser and see if it happens. then, we can look further.


  • borntobesting
    9,779 Posts
    Tue, Jan 29 2013 10:41 AM


    Game had been running really well for me, but now major issue. Hard to explain, so try follow please - For eg. when putting I choose reverse view then set cursor/arrow where I want it , then go to move cursor to hit the return to front view icon and the cursor drags the putt location with it, so that it ends up beside the reverse icon. Happens with drives and iron shots too, results in clocks running down and shots lost in timed games. 

    Using chrome, which always used, pepperflash off, any thoughts/help, before it sickens me altogether and results in my departure .....please.

    It might just be what your post name said, A sticky mouse. Try another one if possible.

  • Mcgintyballs
    3 Posts
    Thu, Jan 31 2013 8:46 PM

    Ok I did the following :

    Cleared cache and flash cache

    Made sure pepperflash was off

    Defragmented laptop

    Ran antivirus scan and malware scan

    Nothing changed - Tried mozilla , slightly better.

    Then looked to see what changed on laptop recently and low and behold the culprit was found. 6 programs from our beloved friends @ supersonicads (beloved /ironic) So deleted all these programs, which when being installed did raise warnings from my antivirus and now back to near normal. Still acts up a bit but think there are still toolbars etc from same said program lurking so will run deep clean on laptop and get rid of same.

    Pity that its programs from affiliates of wgt that has caused the problems, but live and learn - I am off to sign a petition to rid these varmits from my eyesight lol