chipshotcharlie:PS no one is on the TEAM your paranoid and delusional. It is none of your business as you spend no money honey and even if you did its still not your business. [/quote[quote user="chipshotcharlie"
Your being moderated because you deserve it and you do violate the rules. WE get away with it because we don't get to personal unlike yourself
Is calling someone honey getting personal? Is telling someone they do not spend money not getting personal. YOU ARE ONE OF THE BIGGEST VIOLATERS TO THE WGT FORUM, AND THEY CONTINUE TO ALLOW YOU TO INSULT PEOPLE. Why chipshot?
You get involved with all posts, and you get very PERSONAL. DO NOT ANSWER MY POSTS, YOU HAVE NOTHING TO SAY
By your standards the only people that can express an opinion is those of you who spend money. Show me where it is written that you must be rich to write in this forum.
you pathetic little man