After witnessing the JOKE ROUND i received in $10 ready go. UNBELIEVABLE and has made me vow never to enter one again. COMICAL, and so many replays saved PROOVING that WGT should concentrate on FIXING OLD ISSUES rather than finding other ways how to RIP US ALL OFF, like the cleverly worded hole in 1 challenge.
4 shots in 18 holes where i moved aim marker left or right, Hole 2,4, 11 & 17 and the dinged shot was taken as if i had aimed at PIN (DEFAULT AIM POSITION) not where i moved marker. Once I could live with, but 4 times in a $10 ready go where every birdie counts. Either its FIXED into our rounds TO LIMIT SCORING, not my turn to do well, or its just a FLAW which although mentioned several times OVER & OVER, WGT care to IGNORE IT, like they do with many other things, "lets just sweep it under the carpet as it doesn't effect our revenue does it?" See the difference when WGT have over paid you credits the speed it takes them to take the credits back......INSTANT, compared to other things.