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Ready Go's A Joke Now, Time To Do Away With Them?

Sun, Feb 17 2013 4:51 PM (25 replies)
  • Buckthebuck
    572 Posts
    Sat, Feb 9 2013 2:47 PM

    Highest stake RG now down to 300, as if one 500 credit RG wasnt laughable enough, the list as it was made it terribly boring, practically unplayable. Now, it offficialy is. If you want to make the Rg's irrelevant congratulations you have done it. Next month take the 300 away and leave 50 and 100 cr only, especially 18 holes. I have a great idea maybe a 50 credit 36 hole RG? lol disappointing, very disappointing.

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Sat, Feb 9 2013 5:20 PM


    we'd be glad to bring back 1000 and 2000 rg's if people would play them:)

    last few took very long to close, so maybe it's some settings or something else?


  • overtheedge
    5,885 Posts
    Sat, Feb 9 2013 5:38 PM

    so maybe it's some settings or something else?

    "some settings or something else,,WHAT!" ? I hear Taps playing in the back ground, THATS the "something else",,lol. I love the grammar icon,,lol. Got a luv it.

  • Buggyyy
    1,963 Posts
    Sat, Feb 9 2013 6:02 PM

    I really want to play some 2K RG's, but I know they wouldn't fill up that fast. The only way they would is if they were on low winds, tournament greens, easy pins, and not Oakmont, lmao.

  • Minkywinkster
    1,777 Posts
    Sat, Feb 9 2013 6:03 PM

    Cabo del sol 1000s with easy conditions (blue tees) would fill up real fast

  • Buggyyy
    1,963 Posts
    Sat, Feb 9 2013 6:06 PM

    I'm fcking tired of Cabo, how about Kiawah or BOF.

  • stevenharkin
    1,921 Posts
    Sun, Feb 10 2013 1:51 AM

    for me the rg's are a total write off, but for what it's worth, i think par 3 course with1k entry would grab every1's attention.

  • sebicu
    427 Posts
    Sun, Feb 10 2013 2:52 AM

    st andy 500 filled up twice a day, cabo 500 the same, get your facts checked icon! find another excuse same for the those courses at 1000, even BOF and BOH and Oly and Beth

  • simovoice
    4,963 Posts
    Sun, Feb 10 2013 3:03 AM


    st andy 500 filled up twice a day, cabo 500 the same, get your facts checked icon! find another excuse same for the those courses at 1000, even BOF and BOH and Oly and Beth

    even BB 500  filled up very quick even if only TL ... just look for the right set up and they will fill quick enough  .... 

  • nikic123
    639 Posts
    Sun, Feb 10 2013 3:23 AM

    the last 1 k at best of famouse filled up once a day aswell some real bu.ll chit answers as per normal ... buck is VERY disapointed ...disapointed t say the least lol