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Re: Draw and Fade

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Mon, Feb 11 2013 2:10 AM (7 replies)
  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Sun, Feb 10 2013 2:35 PM

    Why is there no defintive draw or fade?

    Missing the 'ding' either way is not what i would call drawing or fading!!

    The 'dot' on the ball, could it be possible to move it left and right, not just up or down?

    The reason, just played nine hole practise round set to high winds to try and miss the 'ding' either way, missing the ding either way reduces power but is not the correct shot!

    Just a thought!!

  • jsweetcr
    1,209 Posts
    Sun, Feb 10 2013 2:43 PM

    I agree...missing the ding either way is more like pushing and pulling, which are going to have some draw and fade, but not all that precise.

    I suggested the same thing in another post, being able to move dot side to side.  Could have swore in a golf game on playstation from like 10 years or more ago had the ability to draw or fade by moving a dot on a ball.

    I would imagine its just programming or algorithms or some kind of mathematical calculations that need doing on WGTs part. I don't know I am not a programmer, mathematician or genius, but pretty sure it can be done.

  • brianusa
    187 Posts
    Sun, Feb 10 2013 4:31 PM


    Why is there no defintive draw or fade?

    Missing the 'ding' either way is not what i would call drawing or fading!!


    Too hard to implement.  They only have one programmer and 90% of his time is dedicated to counting cash stacks.  9% more is allocated to implementing new (over priced) items for the elite collection and 1% is allocated to fixing the oft reported bugs.

    You would think the most realistic golf game in the world would have such a simple feature as draws and fades.  The VERY FIRST edition of Links (by Access Software) back in 1990 had draws and fades.  Such an integral part of the game.

    Yet our friends at WGT concentrate on gambling and elitism's.

  • mohuyu
    891 Posts
    Sun, Feb 10 2013 5:00 PM

    I think shot shaping and stance control should have been a prerequisite to uneven lies. After all, one does not account for side hill lies by aiming 30yds from the pin in real life.

  • Mohawk1
    366 Posts
    Sun, Feb 10 2013 5:24 PM

    Nothing simple about a draw or a fade in this game or real life  , nor should there be  . When a golfer shapes the ball there always needs to be  room for error unless your a natural at drawing  and /or fading the ball, unless your pro not many can do this . Very few I golf with on the weekends have a solid grasp ( re 70 - 90 %) on shaping both directions  even single digit handicaps, so its never a given . Even Jack struggled with the draw most times playing the "power " fade as he called it  :)

    Hit the ding here at WGT we go straight if were lucky , shaping the ball I think should be different and  should be left to our imagination and involve a slightly higher risk if used.

    Just imagine the ding zone is the face of your club ...miss it left the face is closed re the hook/draw ... miss it right the face is open giving a fade /slice shape. Do we really need any more than that  .  Fine line between a draw / pull hook or fade/slice , even for the pros and should be for us WGTers too .

    Having an option to move stance open or closed  or ball forward or back seems too TW for me and in Links 386 the shaped shot always had a mind of its own with any wind in play ..few extra yds  didn't out weigh the added risk  iirc .  cheers

  • 8802
    4,379 Posts
    Sun, Feb 10 2013 5:32 PM

    Remember the old Links game from a dozen years ago?  In many ways, much more advanced than WGT.  You could move the ball forward and back in stance, open it, close it, swing in to out and out to in.

    They also had an option to hit a mulligan.

  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Mon, Feb 11 2013 2:01 AM

    I've got TW 2012 and im sure but cant remember because i play this instead that you can move the cursor all over the ball!

    I suggested the same thing in another post, being able to move dot side to side.  Could have swore in a golf game on playstation from like 10 years or more ago had the ability to draw or fade by moving a dot on a ball.

  • bennyhotnuts
    157 Posts
    Mon, Feb 11 2013 2:10 AM

    Having only the option to push/pull a shot is a bit ridiculous, I have to agree, as for the guy prattling on about draw and fade being complicated, it really isn't. You either hit a natural draw or a natural fade, there is no such thing as someone who hits it pure all the time, getting it to go both ways at will is for the more gifted golfers, but getting it to go consistently one way and even accentuate it is very easy.