Nothing simple about a draw or a fade in this game or real life , nor should there be . When a golfer shapes the ball there always needs to be room for error unless your a natural at drawing and /or fading the ball, unless your pro not many can do this . Very few I golf with on the weekends have a solid grasp ( re 70 - 90 %) on shaping both directions even single digit handicaps, so its never a given . Even Jack struggled with the draw most times playing the "power " fade as he called it :)
Hit the ding here at WGT we go straight if were lucky , shaping the ball I think should be different and should be left to our imagination and involve a slightly higher risk if used.
Just imagine the ding zone is the face of your club ...miss it left the face is closed re the hook/draw ... miss it right the face is open giving a fade /slice shape. Do we really need any more than that . Fine line between a draw / pull hook or fade/slice , even for the pros and should be for us WGTers too .
Having an option to move stance open or closed or ball forward or back seems too TW for me and in Links 386 the shaped shot always had a mind of its own with any wind in play ..few extra yds didn't out weigh the added risk iirc . cheers