I have this posted in Game Tips but thought it may need to be here too.
Here's a tip for Mac users running Snow Leopard 10.6.x and up.
Go to: Hard Drive > Application > Utilities > Java Preferences. Deselect both versions (32 and 64 bit) of Java SE 6. Also deselect Enable applet plug-in and Web Start Applications.
I run Safari with WGT and always have. Before upgrading to 10.6 my meter was silky minus the few issues in multiplayer mode. Since upgrading a couple months ago it's been horrible. These tweaks have completely smoothed it back out.
In Safari > Preferences > Security > Deselect Enable Java and Block pop-up windows. Leave everything else selected.
I use Safari instead of Firefox only because Safari doesn't use the entire Shockwave plugin to run WGT. Shockwave is more bloated than the stand alone Flash player so it takes up more computer space. Activity Monitor confirms this. Safari only uses the Flash player plugin. If using Safari you should be using Flash Player version 11.5.502.149
If you use both Firefox and Safari for different sites and you have updated the latest version of Shockwave for Firefox then your Safari Flash Player version will be updated to 11.5.502.146.
You can go here to check.
Mac users also need to launch Activity Monitor in your Applications Folder > Utilities > Activity Monitor. Make sure you do NOT have a process running names java. If you do highlight it and Quit Process. It's a java malware and it's SUCKING your bandwidth.
For more on java and Macs: Google > Java Macintosh. Java is the devil in disguise.
I think that's all. I had this all typed out with a lot more info a few moments ago and quit safari for a second to check a setting and forgot to copy what I had typed. If I see I'm missing something I'll edit later.