Both are very good wedges. The two most important things are swing speed and matching to your pitching wedge. The attributes are similar but the Clevelands do have better spin.
Swing speed should preferably be a close speed throught the bag, it helps continuity and by matching to your desired irons will save you having to buy new wedges later on. The G20s have a 115 pw, so would work backwards from there - leaves 100yd wedge and 15 yrd increments from there. I know the full 50yd wedge sounds good, but remember the punch options, many players simply forget to use this.
Pleased you love the driver - it is a great club. I had starters clubs when I made Masters and had no option but to upgrade lol, Sadly I didnt ask the forums and made a few dud choices along the way! If any of us can prevent that happening to someone else we have acheived something.