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club upgrade help needed

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Fri, Feb 15 2013 9:25 AM (13 replies)
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  • WillyBigg
    2,135 Posts
    Wed, Feb 13 2013 5:55 AM

    I just turned master @ level 62, & my clubs are poo. I have almost 2200 credits. I need suggestions. I own these

    R11S 9.5 Driver (L40+)

    R11S 3 Wood (L41+)

    R11S 3 Hybrid 15.5 (Graphite) (L43+)

    Starter Plus Iron Set (Steel) (L5+)

    Ghost Manta Putter (L30+)

    Got my eye on G20 Iron Set (Steel) (L59+), opinions?

    or a longer driver like G20 10.5° Driver (L58+) or wait till i reach level 69 and get the Rocketballz 9.5° Driver (L69+)

    I have only used the unlimited ball, I don't want to pay for balls yet (they wear out way too fast) until I get better clubs. Credits are just to hard to accumulate. Thanks for any advise.


  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Wed, Feb 13 2013 6:02 AM

    You won't go wrong with the G20's but the first things you need are 3 evenly spaced wedges.

  • WillyBigg
    2,135 Posts
    Wed, Feb 13 2013 6:44 AM

    Thank you courteneyfish,

    They all have such a fast meter, which ones would you pair with

    G20 Iron Set (Steel) (L59+) They have a slower meter

  • truly2bad2play
    104 Posts
    Wed, Feb 13 2013 6:48 AM

    G20's are great..used them myself right up to level 79 and the Bladez..You do have to play the "roll up" on the 3&4 irons sometimes..a very good set of irons G.I.R was always around the 78% mark the whole 20 ranks I used them..and I am only an average player.

    Courteney always gives sound advice...So..

    With the G20's I used

    lvl41 - 52 degree Ping Tour W   100yds

    lvl42 - 58 degree Ping Tour W   85yds

    lvl42 - 64 degree Ping Tour W   60yds (great for round the green) 

    I remember the G20 PW was that gives you a nice even 15yd spacing between the top 3 wedges...I know then there is a drop of 25yds to the 64..but I believe that it is a must have club..besides,once you take into account the Punch option of the 85 all evens up nicely.

    At only 200 credits a pop the wedges are well worth it and do the job very well...imho they are superior to both the earlier level Cleve's and the ATV's both of which I tried.

    The Clevelands at lvl74+ are great..I use the 100yd and 80yd ones now at lvl 83.., but still use the 64 degree Ping and don't see myself ever taking it out of my bag.

  • WillyBigg
    2,135 Posts
    Wed, Feb 13 2013 6:57 AM

    Thanks  truly2bad2play

    very helpful.  waiting for more input.


  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Wed, Feb 13 2013 10:20 AM
    This post has been deleted.
  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Wed, Feb 13 2013 12:53 PM


    With the G20's I used

    lvl41 - 52 degree Ping Tour W   100yds

    lvl42 - 58 degree Ping Tour W   85yds

    lvl42 - 64 degree Ping Tour W   60yds (great for round the green) 

    I totally agree with that advice. The wedges are great value and with the G20s you will have NO need for the hybrid (regardless I would be inclined to dump it), The advantage of the G20s are the slower swing speed the irons are High trajectory, giving a better chance of stopping the ball - I used them for about 25 levels and you will not be dissapointed by them. However you will be limited using starters balls and would advise you use at least a slightly better WGT ball to get the most out of the clubs. I know said you have budgetary constraints so all up will be over budget. In that case I personally would opt for the 3 wedges with a better ball and I am sure you will notice an improvement in your scoring (although your stats are impressive) and save up for the irons. You may then even want to wait for the Bladz - much faster meter but would be better when you do turn legend whereas the lower level G20s do have limitations with the much longer approaches. The downside would be the Bladz 125y 9I - thats a big gap to the 100 yard 52 degree wedge but always remember punch options.

  • WillyBigg
    2,135 Posts
    Wed, Feb 13 2013 1:02 PM

    Thanks for the help alanti, and thanks for the compliment. I work my butt off to keep my average.

  • Tyrones
    95 Posts
    Wed, Feb 13 2013 3:03 PM

    I asked this forum for opinions on clubs and went with the level 59 Ping G20s. My PW is 115yds. I added:


    Ping 100yd

    Ping   75 yd

    ATV     50yd


    Tossed the hybrid, no need with the 210 3 iron.


    I play to unwind, I don't play for money. I am satisfied with shooting a 67 and look forward to dropping my average.

  • forcefan
    279 Posts
    Wed, Feb 13 2013 7:21 PM

    The move to Master tier tees is a rude awakening. I feel your frustration. Better equipment is required.

    I agree with Courteney's ceaseless mantra - get three evenly spaced wedges (and don't forget to use the punch shot with them)! I played the 200 credit Ping wedges with the G20's and they served me well. 

    I agree with the advice of truly2bad2play. Spot on.

    I also agree with alanti that playing an inexpensive WGT ball - my choice was the Tour-S when I had the credits - makes a difference with the G20's. You will hold more greens. Cost per 9 hole round is a measly 3 credits. The Starter ball allows those of us who spend no money to play the game. You know better than any of us how valuable every credit is to you.

    But it gets tougher as you climb tiers. Credits have to be acquired & spent if your enjoyment is to continue, most likely.

    Looking to the future: I upgraded from the L59 G20 irons to the L79 R-Bladez, which provide more length, higher trajectory, and the long irons spin enough to hold most greens nicely. I upgraded to the L70+ Cleveland wedges - expensive but worth every survey I completed in order to get them!

    Good luck & enjoy!


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