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Re: All clubs unlocked when you reach Legend+

rated by 0 users
Sat, Feb 23 2013 9:06 AM (13 replies)
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  • gatordee
    281 Posts
    Thu, Feb 21 2013 6:39 PM

    It only makes too much sense. This would solve a lot of issues.This game has changed dramatically just in the last year alone. It has become a game that you can buy your advantage instead of earn. Beginning to be more like a video game now. If you pay us, we will slow down the meter and give u clubs that will make the game much easier for you. You do not need to earn nothing. And the little cutesy hearts that come out after you hit the ball are very realistic. But in all seriousness, tiers should be what opens up equipment. 

  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Fri, Feb 22 2013 10:36 AM


    well maybe i've put the time in, been a member since may 2012, so maybe 9 months?

    Play everyday with 1 account!!

    Level 90 and now legend

    just saying!!

    I do believe my post was more in regards to the people who are crying they can't get the gear because they rapidly tiered up in 30-90 days by playing match against higher tiers or winning ready go's and now think they should be entitled to higher level equipment. By now everyone knows the consequences.

    So I don't get your point by directing your post at mine regarding yourself.

    Similar to you I started in the end of Jan. 2012  and was around L85 or there abouts when I made legend after 8 months. I couldn't get the R11s for a bit and learned to adjust my play with using the L80s G20 just like you just did with whatever equipment you were using ,only you had a shorter wait time then, but the fact remains you had to play with what you had just like everyone till you achieved the level.

    This game IMO is about learning to play the courses with what you have then stepping up, get knocked back for a bit while your re-learning, then getting knocked back and relearning through every stage you take. Thats the challenge and real enjoyment at least to me.

    No offense intended, the main difference between your turning legend and me is I lowered my average to get there slightly before all this sandbagging conundrum came into effect. I have no problem with someone who is very close that happens to make legend by beating a legend or if someone is way off average wise uses it as a means to drop their average rapidly to make legend or wins consistently in ready go's but they like everybody else should have to play with what they have and wait till they get to the level to unlock the equipment they want. Seems ever since this wgt change BS a lot of people are looking for instant rapid gratification because wgt made it available. Hell without that happening everyone would still be slogging away leveling up, playing ranked rounds trying to lower their average to get to the next  tier, which is a helluva a lot more challenging and rewarding.

    So it is my opinion the system works just fine as it stands...but that is just my opinion nothing more nothing less like it or not.

  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Fri, Feb 22 2013 11:15 AM

    No offense taken and none meant to your good self!!

    I will just have to continue slogging it out on here like the best of us, and saying that i have met some great people.



    well maybe i've put the time in, been a member since may 2012, so maybe 9 months?

    Play everyday with 1 account!!

    Level 90 and now legend

    just saying!!

    I do believe my post was more in regards to the people who are crying they can't get the gear because they rapidly tiered up in 30-90 days by playing match against higher tiers or winning ready go's and now think they should be entitled to higher level equipment. By now everyone knows the consequences.

    So I don't get your point by directing your post at mine regarding yourself.

    Similar to you I started in the end of Jan. 2012  and was around L85 or there abouts when I made legend after 8 months. I couldn't get the R11s for a bit and learned to adjust my play with using the L80s G20 just like you just did with whatever equipment you were using ,only you had a shorter wait time then, but the fact remains you had to play with what you had just like everyone till you achieved the level.

    This game IMO is about learning to play the courses with what you have then stepping up, get knocked back for a bit while your re-learning, then getting knocked back and relearning through every stage you take. Thats the challenge and real enjoyment at least to me.

    No offense intended, the main difference between your turning legend and me is I lowered my average to get there slightly before all this sandbagging conundrum came into effect. I have no problem with someone who is very close that happens to make legend by beating a legend or if someone is way off average wise uses it as a means to drop their average rapidly to make legend or wins consistently in ready go's but they like everybody else should have to play with what they have and wait till they get to the level to unlock the equipment they want. Seems ever since this wgt change BS a lot of people are looking for instant rapid gratification because wgt made it available. Hell without that happening everyone would still be slogging away leveling up, playing ranked rounds trying to lower their average to get to the next  tier, which is a helluva a lot more challenging and rewarding.

    So it is my opinion the system works just fine as it stands...but that is just my opinion nothing more nothing less like it or not.


  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Sat, Feb 23 2013 9:06 AM

    I have a thought about this subjuct but it's not really directed at any of the previous posters. After going back and playing a lot of rounds with the starter equipment I've learned that whatever equipment we have, much more can be gotten out of them if you accpect what they can't do and venture to learn what they can do. I, like most here, couldn't wait to upgrade as soon as I could thinking the equipment was always the handicap between myself and the scoring I wanted. It turnd out I just wasn't trying to learn enough about what I had. Returning to the starters opened my eyes to this fact. Now I'm constantly experimenting with shots to see just what happens if I try. It's made the game re-newed fun for me as I go.

    Happy playing to anyone reading this. :-)

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