ive been here for a while and i am a little disappointed that there isn't a pool of players available for "JOIN A GAME"... FOR MIXED PLAYERS OR GIRLS ONLY OR GUYS ONLY ... I am getting so tired of wanting to play a few game s of alt-shots when my reg partner is at work an having to play with all guys and have one of them make verbal sexual advances, or call me names when i refuse his friends invite... ( COLD *** , F -ING ***., ) ETC.. i t would be fun just to join a game and select a game with all one sex or 2 and 2 girls and guys.. why isn't that available.. im sure there are a lot of players that agree.
I believe you're situation is caused by two groups -
1. Idiot sexist men.
2. Women on here with 'provocative' pictures who who flirt and use innuendo laden chat with group 1
I'm no prude and enjoy good humoured chat in a game.
It's those 'fur fox ache get a room games' that make me feel uneasy.
No-one playing this game should have to put up with the behaviour described by the OP.
Not trying to distract attention from the point of this thread, but I cannot resist this -
Innuendo does have it's place in humour, even I like to slip one in now and again.