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Re: L90 R11 Irons VERSUS L79 Bladez

Fri, Mar 1 2013 8:37 PM (19 replies)
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  • strikerseasy
    65 Posts
    Thu, Feb 28 2013 1:09 PM

    when i first bought the r11s  i did not like them i was unable to ding and to play with the r11 you need to be close to the ding.  however with the nike slower meter or the black max i played rather well with them. at 67 my reflexes are not that good anymore  so my answer is if you can ding they are the best if not stay away  .  i love myself  good luck  strikerseasy


  • strikerseasy
    65 Posts
    Thu, Feb 28 2013 1:10 PM

    oh oh i mean i love them my self  sorry

  • bhoese
    679 Posts
    Thu, Feb 28 2013 3:20 PM

    I haven't played the Bladez, but I did use the similar Burners that they replaced.  

    One great thing about the R11s is how controllable the distances are with spin. With the Cally Legend  i(s), I get a range of +5 yards with neutral spin to -5 yards with full spin, leaving only 5 yards between (most) clubs where I might need to choke down a little on the meter.  Plus, there's only minimal rollout with neutral spin, even with the long irons.  I find it much easier to control distance this way.

  • Tightrope
    1,072 Posts
    Thu, Feb 28 2013 4:00 PM

    I have not tried the R11, but I figure the extra forgiveness they have more or less makes up for the faster meter? The Bladez are very sensitive... Will they release even better clubs? And increase VEM to compensate for low scores? Would not be surprised...

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Fri, Mar 1 2013 2:25 PM

    Fully agree that the Bladez have an awful lacking in the ability to forgive, but compared to the G20s I find they bite better on the long irons and obvioulsy the extra length of Legend tees which.  These two issues combined made me give a farewell to the G20s ..........Overall the L90 R11 irons look like they may have it...........WGT win again LOL

  • Tightrope
    1,072 Posts
    Fri, Mar 1 2013 2:31 PM

    I had the G20's before the Bladez and the difference is huge, they are in another league. Seems to me that the jump to R11 is almost equally big but it would fun if someone, who have used both R11 and the Bladez, could comment of the overall feeling with the meter speed vs the forgiveness.

  • DDRoss1
    1,809 Posts
    Fri, Mar 1 2013 4:29 PM

    IMO, i had the Bladez, loved the length and the spin, but the lack of forgiveness was killing me, i am not the fastest on a mouse, so hitting the ding even with the slower balls you were punished. I  went back to the G20s, and my scoring has improved due to the meter and they are more forgiving, but if my reflexes were better would have kept the Bladez. Now when i played them with the MAX meter balls they were fantastic, but i cant afford to keep paying 6.00 a sleeve for balls, this is just my opinion, i was unfortunate enough to hit legend in my early 80 Levels, so i have a ways to go for anything.

  • DDRoss1
    1,809 Posts
    Fri, Mar 1 2013 4:32 PM


    My favorite irons, the G20's. The 3 iron is a little short for a few holes, true, but with extra spin Callys, can't be beat.

    My 2 pence

     I learned with the 3 iron, even on a 218 to 220 shot, i take a little off the bs on a higher level spin ball and i get there pretty good, sometimes too long lol

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, Mar 1 2013 6:01 PM

    R11's by far are a better set.

    They have a fast meter and decided to try the Bladz for a few weeks.  The Bladz are a good set, The R11's have better stopping power and more forgiveness. The Range in Distances are also very good. 225-120yrds

    The one good thing with the Bladz... this set I found is suited for Beth, with the Distance range. Don't ask me

    I also found there is a about a 2 shot difference between the 2 sets, with the R11's being the better set.

    I'm back with the R11's and using the Max Balls.


  • bubbadork
    984 Posts
    Fri, Mar 1 2013 8:37 PM

    I must be a freak. I ding my 11 o'clock and 1 o'clock (speed) clubs better than my 9 o'clock putter. And that's with bad, 72-year-old reflexes. I should have found this game when I was younger.

    Nah, when I was younger, a golf cup was not the hole I was trying to hit.

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