About a week ago I was playing the February 18 hole tournament at Kiawah. On 17 the ball came up short and out in the water even though I had plenty of club and moved the flag off the green on the left because the was a right to left 12mph wind. In all fairness I did just pairly miss the ping on the right de so I chalked it up to bad luck or an anomaly of the game. the game had just taken a ball out of play, so I lost a brand new ball which did irritate me.
The drop was the problem. It dropped me on the other side of the water on the pedestrian path in a n10 to 15% sand lie. I know where that is because I have walked up that path myself. It was a 75 yard shot, which I also think was an error. I used a 90 yard club full and it dropped in the water about 30 yards shot. New ball lost. I went to a 110 yard club. Hit it perfect, on the ping again, dropped me in the water about 30 yards short. New ball lost! #1. This is not a legitimate drop area.At least I didn't see anybody during 4 rounds drop it their during the tournament this year. #2 It was apparently a place where their was no recovery, i.e. I was not going to lose more than 3 brand new balls to find ou, and there was no where to "bail out". #3 If WGT is going to put players in positions to not recover and lose balls (money!) its not acceptable. I was so mad I havent played in over a week. I know my play is of small conequence in the big scheme of WGT, but come on. I have played real golf for over 40 years and this type of thing does not happen.
Would probably had bought 2 more sleeves of balls by now if I had been playing so that cost WGT money! Just saying.